I commented on BTBAM's latest Facebook status, saying they've got a new bass song book for the Great Misdirect, saying "This gave me a huge boner." and they liked my comment. FUCK YEAH!
Lolz funny 'cause I'm listening to Lights and I was actually gonna post her in this thread.
But no Lights >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ke$ha. In every single way, she's fucking adorable, Ke$ha's disgusting, Lights' songs are good, she can actually write Music, and she's actually a really good singer.
Wish there were more
Jesus Fucking Christ this dirty whore is fucking retarded.
But no Lights >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ke$ha. In every single way, she's fucking adorable, Ke$ha's disgusting, Lights' songs are good, she can actually write Music, and she's actually a really good singer.
there you go, erik