Hype af for november.night before thanksgiving on the floor. Gonna het there early to buy a couple posters. (If they are worthy of future trade material) Then once the opening band is on were smoking fat doobies all night.
Hype af for november.night before thanksgiving on the floor. Gonna het there early to buy a couple posters. (If they are worthy of future trade material) Then once the opening band is on were smoking fat doobies all day
when jay lols's because he realizes hes gonna be high enough to eat the wrong burger
managed to shrink down the new infest shirt a little more. never buying larges again though. id rather britney spears in a shirt than look like a kid going to bed in an xxl.
I gotta say, they're pretty good at setting that shit up. I'm curious as to how they afford to set that up out of their own pockets every year. They can't make that much money.
I remember seeing an interview with the singer of TBDM and he said they they own all the rights to their own branded shit so literally anything ICP related puts money directly in their pockets. Dudes make bank.
I just like looking at those lineups because it tells you who has officially fallen off popularity wise. Seeing names like Miss May I, Upon A Burning Body, and Waka Flaka Flame make me lol because 5 years ago they were so trendy and now they're playing to a field of Juggalos )
I shot that ICP/POD tour a couple years back in Tampa, in a 400 capacity bar. It was an interesting show to shoot to say the least, but the entire time i kept thinking about how far POD had fallen lol. I remember seeing them almost a decade ago headline the Hard Rock in Orlando, and now they've been reduced to supporting ICP in a bar lol.