WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Satan explained it very well. Having shitty headliners fills the crowds with fans of the headliners you'd rather not associate with. There are many bands I like on album but would never se in real life because their fans that go to their shows are a bunch of fags. And when a good band headlines for someone shitty they usually are not playing their best set cause no one in the crowd cares other than you. Plus your ticket prices are way higher for bands you don't give a shit about
Now that I think of it though, I guess it may be possible that I was "that fan" to somebody else once though. I don't remember the band but whoever played side stage before Messuggah at Ozzfest 02 was treated to a nonstop 30 minute chant of "Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" through their entire set... )
That probably sucked for fans of the other band but god damn that shit was amazing.
a dude at meshuggah/baroness a few years ago got his ass kicked out by security for shouting profanity at john during baroness's set. he kept his middle fingers up the whole time and security gave him a warning once people started ganging up on him, but then some dude threw hands with him and security literally kicked the dude out ))))
Fuck that show was goat. Decapitated killed. Baroness was a very pleasant surprise and now I'm a fan. And it was my first meshuggah show and my first show at my favorite venue, First Avenue.
Introduced me to one of the top venues in the country and one of my favorites. Decap popped off, Devin and I jammed baroness chilling on the side, and meshuggah was fucking amazing. One of my top shows.
Fuck meshuggah in 02. The dude that wasn't chanting deserves to kh.
I don't know if there was anybody there not chanting. It was some crazy shit. Chants don't go that long. They usually just kinda wind down and run out of steam. The crowd just kept working themselves up more and more. It was fucking magical... basic run down of what happened, not a word for word play by play obviously.
One band early, the crowd starts
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
The band (not Messuggah) came out and introduced themselves...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Yeah they up next, give it up.
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Right, so here is our song ..... *plays song*
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" even louder, all through the song.
Song ends
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Play another song
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" even more aggressively.
Band onstage quits talking to us...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Play their set...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Set ends...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" intensifies
Alright assholes, guess who's next. Go fuck yourselves
I remember seeing people set big fires on the lawn during ozzfest 06 and it made me think it was the craziest show ever, but then every mayhem had it so I realized it was just a drunk whit trash thing.
When I think about it, lost prophets were the band that played before Meshuggah at my '02 Ozzfest. They're the ones that's lead singer tried to fuck his girlfriend's baby. If that's who they were chanting through then fuckin' A
a dude at meshuggah/baroness a few years ago got his ass kicked out by security for shouting profanity at john during baroness's set. he kept his middle fingers up the whole time and security gave him a warning once people started ganging up on him, but then some dude threw hands with him and security literally kicked the dude out ))))
I got a drunk asshole to throw hands at me between sets at Unearth/Killswitch a couple years ago. Security kicked him out and I got his spot on the rail.
I was almost done with concerts for a bit after some shit that went down last year at killswitch it was bad enough Jesse had to stop the show twice. There was 4 people in this group I was behind them my friend was slightly off to the side. The group was right behind the row of people on the rail. This group was super fucking trashy loud and just all around inconsiderate the whole time by the time KsE came on people were sick of it. They did a bunch of shit to piss people off but the mail thing was when they started randomly punching or throwing elbows at people. It was mainly the two girls. At one point on of the girls gets into a full on fight with dude next to me. I grab ahold of her to stop her and let security pull her dumbass out. At that point the boyfriend got pissed and started trying to fight me and others however my buddy's know my track record and held me back so collectively we along with two other random dudes just lift him and throw him over the rail to security and they escort him out. The other guy then bails for whatever reason and it's just this girl left and she is pissed off at the world. The smallest of my friends is right next to her. Someone from the pit comes falling through and takes her down he disappears quickly and she's left lashig out. As she is getting up she bites my friend in the rib area. He shoves her away and she just starts wailing on him with rings on and scratches the fuck out of his face as he is trying not to fight this woman and subdue her he gets bit two more times. Eventually we were able to throw her dumbass over the rail to where she thankfully smacks the floor hard as fuck because security was busy. I was hoping to run into these people when we left but no luck hopefully three of the four were arrested.
TLDR: trashy people piss me off and it ruined a show to the point where I didn't want to go back for a while.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
That probably sucked for fans of the other band but god damn that shit was amazing.
I don't know if there was anybody there not chanting. It was some crazy shit. Chants don't go that long. They usually just kinda wind down and run out of steam. The crowd just kept working themselves up more and more. It was fucking magical... basic run down of what happened, not a word for word play by play obviously.
One band early, the crowd starts
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
The band (not Messuggah) came out and introduced themselves...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Yeah they up next, give it up.
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Right, so here is our song ..... *plays song*
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" even louder, all through the song.
Song ends
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Play another song
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" even more aggressively.
Band onstage quits talking to us...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Play their set...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
Set ends...
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah" intensifies
Alright assholes, guess who's next. Go fuck yourselves
"Messuggah Messuggah Messuggah"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
my cousins son is a movie star now. he was doing some off beat online sitcoms... now he is in this flick
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
TLDR: trashy people piss me off and it ruined a show to the point where I didn't want to go back for a while.