Gon get accused of a #Humbleflex but man I'm makin enough money wit this studio shit that I can basically consider myself self employed at this point. Made $750 this past week alone. The most I ever made on a a TWO WEEK paycheck bustin my ass at jobs I fuckin despised was $600. Feels good to be self made. Fuck a boss and fuck a job.
FUCK I found the video I was looking for from about a year ago of the woman in NC who was on drugs doing circles in the intersection while doing the mario victory fist pump out the window ))))
I'm confused as shit but some chick jus called me at 4 in the morning, asked "Is this Episode?", I said yea, she like squealed, said that I'm daddy and that she's my number one fan and jus wanted to hear my voice, sang a few lines of one of my songs, then hung up without tellin me who she was. It wasn't a number or voice that I recognized so I don't think it's anybody I know personally that was fuckin wit me which makes it weird as fuck that she somehow got my number.
Either way that was dope and my boat is floated lmao.
Found out who it was wit a lil detective work. It's either my old fuck buddy from a few months back or her best friend. As of the last time we spoke they both hated the fuck outta me so they either still do and did it to fuck wit me or she got over it and want some dick again lmao.
I looked up the number on Facebook and it led to a profile of a chick who lives in the same town that the caller ID showed. I have no clue who she is but she has pictures wit both of them on her profile.
At my company at some point they decided it would be better for them to pay the employees as a profit sharing company vs paying extra taxes so instead of the money going to the government it comes back to us
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Either way that was dope and my boat is floated lmao.
I looked up the number on Facebook and it led to a profile of a chick who lives in the same town that the caller ID showed. I have no clue who she is but she has pictures wit both of them on her profile.
Gotchya faggot
should be be getting a Christmas bonus in the next 2 checks myself :!!!!!