Yeah. It's crossed my mind. I wouldn't have to do something quite as dramatic. She's a drunk loser with no money and no family money. Her ex husband didn't even move, he just told her she couldn't see their daughter and she never got her shit together enough to fight him in court
Erik acts like we don't have material for days on him lol. He can call names all he wants but every time he goes at people he ends up getting dropped multiple times in the first round )
Damn. Once I add in living with mom, singing like a fag, letting hoes bring their boyfriends to my house, backing down from dudes at parties, and being a self-hating white person...I think that's a standard of manliness I just can't attain.
Certified pussy.
>live with mom
Pick one fucker.
>no car
You got a pocket full of bus tokens from the music career?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)