Goat show. Fucking awesome. He sounded so good. Snuck my dad down next to me for the second set. Vibing side by side with my dad. Stuff from the movies.
Lantlos swag came in the mail. Shirt feels nice and soft as fuck and the art book with the CD is incredible. Super stoked on it!
the shirt I got from flenser is the perfect quality. barely shrank when I washed it, and still stayed just as soft as when it arrived and has ever since. nothing ive had comes close besides a local mmj one I got up in the mountains
feeling an enormous weight being lifted off my chest already because ive almost certainly decided to quit my job next week. tensions have risen even further and we just got (rudely) told that there are new, unnecessarily strict guidelines for how we do our jobs that basically say we cant just get the job done, we have to do it a certain way in a very specific time frame and that they will be "VERY liberal" with write ups if it isnt observed to a t.
just completely counterproductive micromanaging. in the music business Ill have to deal with many people who are fucked in the head and rude, but in that environment im actually allowed to bear my teeth and debate.
at this job you stay in line, suck dick, or get tossed out.
thinking about taking a job at a convenience store for a few weeks while I line up interviews for actual jobs. at the very least the change of scenery will do me some good.
id personally rather leave on a good note than accumulate stupid write ups after doing my job perfectly fine for years.
It's not state wide. It's a county to county thing I believe. Idk I don't pay a whole lot of attention because Kent county where I live is decriminalized
just completely counterproductive micromanaging. in the music business Ill have to deal with many people who are fucked in the head and rude, but in that environment im actually allowed to bear my teeth and debate.
at this job you stay in line, suck dick, or get tossed out.
thinking about taking a job at a convenience store for a few weeks while I line up interviews for actual jobs. at the very least the change of scenery will do me some good.
id personally rather leave on a good note than accumulate stupid write ups after doing my job perfectly fine for years.
anyway Im pretty stoked.
Male prostitution
"i used to suck dick at target, now ill suck yours"
edit: wrong reply but stands
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)