Or how bout both? The 2 things I constantly get complimented on by females are my tattoos and my clothes. So clearly they don't find it gay. So why am I worried bout a dude sayin it is?
Or how bout both? The 2 things I constantly get complimented on by females are my tattoos and my clothes. So clearly they don't find it gay. So why am I worried bout a dude sayin it is?
Funny because you can get the same compliments by wearing affordable clothes. I've seen it happen often in my lifetime
shit i have to iron my fucking cloths every damn day. I wear nice dress cloths every damn day. I don't have a choice to look anything but fresh. when i go to the bar after work people definitely look at you different, but its not cause my cloths are 800 dollars lol. the most iv spent on a dress shirt is 60, which is fucking outrages as it is.
Gotta figure out a way to not be so macho and insecure on the internet
Both are fuckin fire.