They actually didn't burn anything, idiot people in the crowd did. I still find it funny they didn't know wtf was going on until their set was over
Yea ) women were getting raped and shit in the pit. How that didnt know what was going on is beyond me
Well the stage was big and they were busy playing a show. Fred was thinking everyone was having fun probably, I know that'swhat I would have thought especially if I was having fun as well. After the set they were rushed out of there and that's when they were informed a riot started, people in the crowd were destroying everything and setting it on fire, that what he crowdsurfed on was a part of a stage, etc.
odd future gets mainstream fuck em weeknd gets mainstream fuck him
you turning into nola with the hipster
First off, OF didn't go mainstream and if anything they even less relevant than they were when I liked em. I jus got past the age of 15 and realized how embarrassingly corny they are.
Wit The Weeknd, it's not even the fact he went mainstream. It's the disgusting manner in which he did so. Sellout of the century and makes what Metallica did look honorable. Went from someone who coulda legitimately been the greatest artist of his time who essentially singlehandedly created a new genre, to making Bruno Mars-like Pop bullshit. Fuck that motherfucker.
Don't ever speak Metallica.. You're not qualified to
Mayhem will be playing De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in its entirety at MDF
Headliners are meh, but they really know how to stack up a lot of relatively diverse, quality bands. Having bands like Rotten Sound and Buzzov*en chillin in the middle. I wanna go so bad
I don't think they'll ever top last years, with fucking Bloodbath, Anaal Nathrakh, and Portal all playing the same show. But I dig this years a lot too. Not that I'm going because poor boyz, but still.
.. When was Metallicas heyday?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
pyscho >