Also, you say I treat women like shit, but look where that's gotten me.
You on the other hand, have shown you white knight em like heavenly blessed beauties and you're comin up on bein a 30 year old virgin. Sooo...your point?
Why is virginity such a big deal to you? So we're virgins. So we treat girls great. When a girl finally does see what people like that have to offer, it will be worth so much more than fucking sluts.
LMFAO This is exactly why you'll be forever alone. But keep on wit your ways, you're SUCH a good friend Aaron. 8->
Also, you say I treat women like shit, but look where that's gotten me.
You on the other hand, have shown you white knight em like heavenly blessed beauties and you're comin up on bein a 30 year old virgin. Sooo...your point?
Why is virginity such a big deal to you? So we're virgins. So we treat girls great. When a girl finally does see what people like that have to offer, it will be worth so much more than fucking sluts.
LMFAO This is exactly why you'll be forever alone. But keep on wit your ways, you're SUCH a good friend Aaron. 8->
By choice and because I don't catch feelings. I want to be so that don't hurt me. And the fact of the matter is, your ways won't even get you a hook up or a FWB, let alone a relationship. I been single for 4 years (I don't count the last 2 bitches cause they were for less than a week.) but I've gotten pussy along the way so I'm good. Like I said my 2014 body count was 4 and I was single the whole time so that ain't sayin much.
The Rangers on top are all S.H. Figuarts brand and they have incredible detail on them. Which I all got off Amazon and over the course of over a year or so.
The two big megazords are ones I've had since when they first came out around '93ish. The smaller one I ordered off Amazon about 2 years back.
The third shelf down is a combination of the reissued die cast megazord and dragonzord put into dragonzord in battle mode. Both of which I purchased at toys r us a little while ago. The morphers on that shelf I also purchased at toys r us.
The tyrannosaurs and pterodactyl are the left over zords from the megazord of which the others are in dragonzord in battle mode. The coins are the others that came with the morphers.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Mc and erik are both extremes to either side and the right way is always the middle ground.. The right way to treat girls is 50 percent between Erik and mc lol
Lol I'm the least insecure person on the planet.. You're warmer with the superiority complex thing prob lol still doesn't change the fact that I can see the issues in your life and where they stem from clear as day
Lol I'm the least insecure person on the planet.. You're warmer with the superiority complex thing prob lol still doesn't change the fact that I can see the issues in your life and where they stem from clear as day
Yes I forgot you and Wake are one in the same. 8-|
The two big megazords are ones I've had since when they first came out around '93ish. The smaller one I ordered off Amazon about 2 years back.
The third shelf down is a combination of the reissued die cast megazord and dragonzord put into dragonzord in battle mode. Both of which I purchased at toys r us a little while ago. The morphers on that shelf I also purchased at toys r us.
The tyrannosaurs and pterodactyl are the left over zords from the megazord of which the others are in dragonzord in battle mode. The coins are the others that came with the morphers.
>Has no clue who they are.
Lmao keep trying son. You talk the most ignorant shit on here by a mile.
Yeah, I know it's not really that much, wasn't trying to get drunk. I wasn't even going to drink at all, just said fuck it I suppose,