When you off the syrup choppin up a track and it slowly starts sounding better and better as it kicks in more. I swear this shit was made for syrup. \m/
Start training at Best Buy tomorrow. I'm working in the "Connections" department aka Phones and Tablets. I know its going to be getting crazy as fuck with the holidays approaching but I feel pretty good about this.
Whats awesome is my best friend got me into this job and talked me up to the Managers and even the GM. He talked me up so much that I start at .50 cents more an hour than he does. )
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
something about picturing a grown man you taking it out of your lunch and going \m/ is funny
I guess you have a point. There isnt much that gets me excited about lunch, but a Snack Pack gets it there. That and an everything bagel sandwich with bacon, ham, and the works. MMmmm shit's good. I can't even imagine what I'd do if I opened my lunch bag and had both!
Interview went great. At the end I specifically asked about my tattoos and he said that they don't discriminate and I have nothing offensive tatted on me so I'm fine. Also mentioned that there's many current and former employees who had tattoos and/or gauges. He said if they call me it'll be by tomorrow night, otherwise to call him myself on Friday morning.
burrito places are fun to work at, at least when the staff is cool. Its easy work and you can have fun while doing it. good luck on the call back, it sucks ass not working.
Whats awesome is my best friend got me into this job and talked me up to the Managers and even the GM. He talked me up so much that I start at .50 cents more an hour than he does.
something about picturing a grown man you taking it out of your lunch and going \m/ is funny
ly forgot about changing my buddies name in my phone till I went to look at the apps I have open and it shows your recent contacts at the top