Ahh Ic...yeah iv never worked there but share a bus stop with a couple people that work for FedEx and that's what they said..... never thought about if they could pick up shifts
They are probably lazy and don't want to. Or they are part time. When I worked there you had to prove you could handle the work by starting out part time it was supposed to be a minimum of a month then they evaluate you. I did part time for two weeks before they move me.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
If you want to work out while you work get a job their. Working load and unload will get you in shape. I was at my healtiest and strongest working there
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
The thing is with fed ex you are only gonna get 20-25 hours a week except during peak season
Not the case. Everybody hears fed ex and thinks I'm talking about package handling and then talks about how it sucks lol ill be on a set shift 5 days a week loading trailers on a forklift. Sometimes overtime but still the set schedule of I think 28 hours now they they're in the new facility. For over a year my friend who already works there made twice the money I made in a 40 hour week. Shit pissed me off. I'll probably still work at Sams for awhile too just because I like it there.
Yeah dude the people that you talk to on the bus are probably package handlers. I feel like everyone I have ever worked with has done that shit. Turnover rate is huge for that. Definitely not something I'd try to get for a year and a half.
Yeah if your going to work in a factory you best bet is forklift if you hate doing the same thing all day....their top pay is usually lower then an operator but they get to move around at least
I'm really fucking excited about this song I'm working on. Usually, due to how much time is spent mixing and re-writing shit, I'll hear one my songs literally hundreds of times over the course of a week or 2, and over that span, I'll realize that I can't fucking stand to hear the song anymore because it's honestly not that good. But this song...this song is something special. It's all I've listened to basically for the past week, again, heard it hundreds of times, except this time it still hasn't gotten stale. Just as catchy and addicting as I initially thought it was. Of course I've gotten used to it, but it hasn't also become a bad song along wit that. I use this as a way to judge it because I think of my biggest inspirations, currently XO and OMO (OMO is PartyNextDoor, and wit only a 29 minute long mixtape, dropped the #1 release of 2013, even topped Kiss Land.), and I've listened to both of their songs countless times, and it never gets old. I need to have that same effect wit myself. Shit that doesn't get old to me that I love every time I hear it.
I also use my sobriety as a meter. If it only sounds good high, or vice versa, it ain't a good song. But I love this shit sober, on loud, and on syrup. Universal.
I should apply there :-?
I also use my sobriety as a meter. If it only sounds good high, or vice versa, it ain't a good song. But I love this shit sober, on loud, and on syrup. Universal.
I'd go. Started out sounding great but the last three almost 4 lines 0
Violent femmes on the other hand fucking rulezzzz