so i youtubed kill yourself and clicked on the first link. i scrolled down and the response to one of the first comments had me fucking rolling ) ) ) )
My friend just moved out to LA to be a makeup artist for movies and shit and she's always posting about the weird shit she sees. She posted this pic today making fun of this random guy she saw at a restaurant simply because of how he looks. Turns out its one of the faggots from Blood On The Dancefloor ) ) )
Man my hip flexor been fucked up for a while and today is my first time squatting and deadlifting in like 2 1/2 months. Feels good to be back but my hip flexor still hurts like a fucking bitch.
The snow is falling thick today! Woot!! I fucking love da snow. Gotta get my wife 2 new front tires tho. I lost too much traction just trying to take off from a dead stop at a red light.
After lunch I'll have my 4x4 to drive. Pretty sure I'll be leaving it in 2 wheel drive and have fun at every corner!!
How much snow you got up there? Where my dad lives has around 6 inches already.
na I was like him when I was 11 but its a load of shit im 14 now I know whats right
trust me iv been through it all
They're also abusive towards the bands they tour with.