It's over. 11/10 AOTY, ain't shit gonna come close to it. There's albums that you don't listen to, but literally experience. This shit had me in a trance from start to finish. Fuck man. XO.
Speaking of actual simps doe, I was talking to a good female friend of mine recently and she was telling me that she was given 20 bucks by a dude cause she told him that he had dropped his driver's licence.
No numbers were even exchanged, he just straight up gave her 20 bucks and went on his way
I guess it could be, but the other artists listed were ones on tour right now or just about to go on tour. we usually dont get notice about stuff 5+ months out unless its a huge act.
AOTY, ain't shit gonna come close to it.
There's albums that you don't listen to, but literally experience. This shit had me in a trance from start to finish. Fuck man. XO.
last week I was listening to valley of smoke on the way to work and as soon as the wall of dust hit, the title track began. love shit like that
No numbers were even exchanged, he just straight up gave her 20 bucks and went on his way
I aint gonna be a will, its carcass
all the station email said is that they were touring soon and I forgot about those dates
>receive this