I love being a music fan in the Internet age. Listening to Pandora and having new music pop up thats really good is always cool.
At the same time it kinda makes me feel lazy. While past generations had to do things like tape trading or goto shows to find out about new bands, I can just click a button.
I know they were signed at some point this year, don't remember to who.
But regardless, we're asking them to come down in April all the way from Illinois to Florida, and just trying to help make sure they'll be able to get back.
I love being a music fan in the interner age. Listening to Pandora and having new music pop up thats really good is always cool.
At the same time it kinda makes me feel lazy. While past generations had to do things like tape trading or goto shows to find out about new bands, I can just click a button.
That's how youtube is for me. They fucked up the related vids for the most part but now theres full albums up
Plus theres channels completely dedicated to genres that upload like every new release in those genres. All I have to do is click on the ones that look cool and wade thru the bullshit
Yeah related vids on youtube fucking sucks now. I remember just watching this giant string of videos for a few hours just from clicking shit in the related section. Nope, lets replace that with the same 5 "suggested videos" popping up no matter what you watch :-@
Finding cool shit in the old days used to be incredibly hard. Until I was in my late teens, you often had to buy music blindly in order to hear it unless you knew somebody. Sometimes, you would get stuck with crap that way. It doesn't really bother me the way it is now until I run across some of these 18 year old music snobs who have obviously benefitted from having things at their fingertips. For instance, a lot of people would look down their noses at me a few years ago because I didn't have much knowledge of German thrash outside of Kreator. But Sodom and Destruction and the like just weren't the impact here. Kreator did their work and toured the states a lot. I had to pick up the German shit off Bunalti later on
And while I do know promotors, it's only my old death metal buddies. So unless its something brutal and technical, I'm prolly not gonna be able to get far
pandora has been pissing me off. even though I've tried to set up stations it still keeps feeding me bands I don't want on it and have to keep thumbing down. its like I have to keep babysitting it when I just want music on in the background at work. then when I leave it alone it just stops and the screen comes up; "are you still listening?" nope.
then I tried I Heart Radio and the closest thing to metal I could find without actually setting up a profile was Nikki Sixx's radio show. and all he does is banter with his sidekick chick. what's worse is that kept coming up on all the radio station sites too because they syndicate his show on their channel.
that's why I've been getting into listening to tunein radio. last week I was going through metal stations from istanbul, berlin, amsterdam, gdansk, etc. it's cool hearing what they're listening to on the other side of the world.
and I found this channel that has links for all the new zealand metal radio shows archived.
Kinda unfortunate that such a funny guy would get addled with such a shitty fanbase. No wonder he's a basketcase now
At the same time it kinda makes me feel lazy. While past generations had to do things like tape trading or goto shows to find out about new bands, I can just click a button.
But regardless, we're asking them to come down in April all the way from Illinois to Florida, and just trying to help make sure they'll be able to get back.
Plus theres channels completely dedicated to genres that upload like every new release in those genres. All I have to do is click on the ones that look cool and wade thru the bullshit
And while I do know promotors, it's only my old death metal buddies. So unless its something brutal and technical, I'm prolly not gonna be able to get far
then I tried I Heart Radio and the closest thing to metal I could find without actually setting up a profile was Nikki Sixx's radio show. and all he does is banter with his sidekick chick. what's worse is that kept coming up on all the radio station sites too because they syndicate his show on their channel.
that's why I've been getting into listening to tunein radio. last week I was going through metal stations from istanbul, berlin, amsterdam, gdansk, etc. it's cool hearing what they're listening to on the other side of the world.
and I found this channel that has links for all the new zealand metal radio shows archived.
http://www.metalradio.co.nz/ and I recommend The Sick Room