He doesn't listen to metal. Sad because he's one of the best musicians I know. The closest I have come to converting him was getting him hooked on Crack The Skye for a couple weeks.
- Amon Amarth were the best band of the day - FFDP honestly weren't that great - There is too much fucking white trash that goes to Mayhem - Got a Huntress and a FFDP pick
Lmao naw but some drunk white dude shouted the word "nigger" really fucking loud behind me at one point. And I saw 2 separate people with swastika tats.
- Amon Amarth were the best band of the day - FFDP honestly weren't that great - There is too much fucking white trash that goes to Mayhem - Got a Huntress and a FFDP pick
How was boo in that setting?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
- Amon Amarth were the best band of the day
- FFDP honestly weren't that great
- There is too much fucking white trash that goes to Mayhem
- Got a Huntress and a FFDP pick
I wish they could have all gotten white knuckled.
this i can live with
3 from New Reign
1 new song