Holy shit, the sexiest woman ever came through the depot today. She looked liked a combo of Faye Reagan and Mean Girls era Lindsay Lohan that aged really well. She came with her daughter, who was pretty cute but a little chubby (Nola.jpg), to recycle ink. We were just making small talk and all and her daughter looked slightly annoyed/embarresed and the mother said "this is my daughter, she gets embarresed but she still loves me" to which the daughter responded "whatever helps you sleep at night". The mom hit back "oh you know what helps me sleep at night " then the daughter turned red and the mom was laughing and said "hey you said it dude. It was the perfect set up". The fact that I didn't pop a b right then is probably the 8th wonder of the world.
No Rum in house..
Dont want Jack...
Watching season 2 of BB on dvd....
Hellz yaeh!!!!