But Will, I do like you. Every time I'm having a bad day, I open up Google Chrome, and pull up your turd tattoo. And I just stare at it, for hours on end, thinking about how much worse I could have it. 8->
Would rather have a moon and a cloud than "Hip Hop Saved My Life"...
My shit actually looks nice. Correction: C and a turd.
But Will, I do like you. Every time I'm having a bad day, I open up Google Chrome, and pull up your turd tattoo. And I just stare at it, for hours on end, thinking about how much worse I could have it. 8->
Would rather have a moon and a cloud than "Hip Hop Saved My Life"...
My shit actually looks nice. Correction: C and a turd.
Your shit looks like it was done in prison. But that's probably what you were going for, right?
But Will, I do like you. Every time I'm having a bad day, I open up Google Chrome, and pull up your turd tattoo. And I just stare at it, for hours on end, thinking about how much worse I could have it. 8->
Would rather have a moon and a cloud than "Hip Hop Saved My Life"...
My shit actually looks nice. Correction: C and a turd.
You're shit looks like it was done in prison. But that's probably what you were going for, right?
My shit actually looks like what it's supposed to look like. Your "artist" coudn't even get a fucking CLOUD right son.
"He pushed me, and I turned around like
...Dawg I'm blowed
My shit actually looks nice. Correction: C and a turd.
Didn't know a sunken in ironing board counts as abs.
This made me fucking lose it.