One guy walked in to work because he has no other way to get there, and the one manager (who he had an ongoing feud with) made him turn around and go home and shave as soon as he got there. It's about a half hour walk, and we didn't even think he was gonna bother to show back up that day, but he came back in two hours later clean-shaved. He ended up quitting a few weeks later.
Damn sounds like a good buildup for Wrestlemania 30
I mean the design is awesome, but the white kills it
Coming from a motherfucker who, at 19, still thinks Tripps are the hottest thing since sliced bread. 8-|
Coming from a motherfucker who thinks this looks good
and this
and this
Lol you are fucking retarded. So dressing like a normal human being, color coordinating, and actually having a sense of style, is disgraceful and nowhere near as bad as garbage bag pants. Duly noted.
Lol nope. Way off. I been rapping for 2 years first of all, and I stopped wearing Tripps completely at 13 when I realized how fucking retarded and corny they are.
I want this shirt.
Lol you are fucking retarded. So dressing like a normal human being, color coordinating, and actually having a sense of style, is disgraceful and nowhere near as bad as garbage bag pants. Duly noted.
Thank you for posting the PMF btw.
For about 10 minutes.
And ooh, edgy. S0 3dgy br@h.
So in other words, miles better.
BTW, I do applaud you, you've went this long without using your faggot ass little t(-_-)t =D>
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
Oh and why aren't you visiting the gun store anyway? Lil nigga ain't got a piece already?