Don't talk about being ignorant when your the biggest ignorant fuck here. You obviously don't know how this planet works when it comes to food chains and animals. Snakes can go away, everything will still be fine. Why? Because a lot of other shit eat rodents and small animals. You take away bees and everything will be fucked though. So in turn, snakes are just here to look cool, be sneaky, and scare people.
Anyways, another thing that floats my boat, is in a few months, I'm going with my buddy Derek to Jason Gaspar's house in Indiana. He has 20+ Foot Retics, and I'll be able to hold them and what not. This is a picture from the last time he went.
I know, I'm very happy. Especially since you can't get the physical CD in America.
Not ignorant. I'm actually smart about this shit and not being a complete dumbass.
No, it will be an amazing day for me, thank you very much.
So youre admitting youre not smart in other things? <_>