Why are you laughing? Snus gives you an extremely strong nicotine high. Try it once. Feels good man. My hands are like....numb and they feel weightless. It's win.
Why are you laughing? Snus gives you an extremely strong nicotine high. Try it once. Feels good man. My hands are like....numb and they feel weightless. It's win.
I'm laughing at the fact that you are against weed but you are for something far more harmful and enjoy it because it gives you a slight high.
Eh I actually wanna try weed now. I tried to buy a dime today, but the kid doesn't have any right now. But I almost don't wanna buy it. Wish I could get some for free.
Bullshit, Erik. You must be an extreme lightweight if your getting "high" off of snus. I've done snus countless times and never felt a thing, except for the couple of times when I was really stressed and it helped me relax.
Erik I must say though you are young you are one of the biggest hypocrites I have had the displeasure of conversing with online. If you're going to stand against something see it through instead of being a weak ass person even though I think 99% of what you say is a lie.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Feels Good Man.
the fact that eriks car window got smashed
silly children
alex and her friends gave me good shit
oh and 2nd place :]
And I'm sorry if this comes off as aggressive.