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Karma truly is a bitch >:-D

sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
edited September 2010 in Off Topic
So get this.

Last night, me and my friend were given a big stack of flyers for the haunted house that we both work at and were told to hand them out everywhere. So, at like 10:00 at night, we thought it would be cool to go out dressed in corpse paint, like the costumes we're gonna wear while working, and hand them out then.

So after a while of walking all over town leaving them at gas stations and whatnot, we were walking down a major street in town when these two assholes drove by, and one of them yelled out the window "HEY YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS! FUCK YOU!" So we were just like, "Fuck you! Come back and say it to our face!" and all that. We are used to this kind of thing, because we often get shit from assholes when we do this sort of thing, only this time, they actually did drive back.

So they drove back and pulled into the driveway behind us, and stopped like they were gonna get out, but then they pulled out and just drove beside us, and my friend and I were getting ready to fight, if need be. The one guy was like, "YOU WANNA FUCKING PULL SOMETHING ON ME YOU PUSSY?" and we yelled back at him, and then he was like, "I'M GONNA FUCK YOU FAGGOTS UP! Pull over, pull over!" and all kinds of stuff like that, but his friend just drove off anyway.

We were expecting them to come back again, but they didnt. Later on, we saw police headlights down the road, and we thought it would be funny if they got pulled over. Turns out, it was more than just that.

My friend called me an hour later, and it turns out, the cops were in fact there with them, but for different and better reasons. The cops were there because they were helping the two assholes, who had gotten a flat tire. In addition, they had also been rear-ended, and according to him, it had completely demolished the back of their SUV. So, my friend, still in corpsepaint, walked up to them, and in a fake concerned voice, walked up to them and was like,

"Oh man, that looks bad. I hope you guys can get home okay." And the two guys were trying to act cool, like, "yeah, we'll be fine." And according to him, the tension was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.

Just goes to show, karma is a bitch.


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