Picked up Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition used on PS4 for $44.
Gamestop sent me a 20% off coupon for a used game. My girlfriend is going to be in Ireland for the next 10 days, so needless to say i'm going to have a lot more gaming time coming up. ) Bringing the PS4 to my buddies house who's thinking about getting one. I'm trying to sway him because none of my friends have one.
And since its used I can return it within 7 days and get my money back if I don't like it. So all thats a win.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Love it cause there is so much to do. Halo, borderlands, and Mass Effect all mixed together to make a great FPS MMO. Red Box it if you want to try it out before you buy it.
Goddamn. Almost a full year later and I'm finally 110% done. Granted I haven't touched the game prolly all this year til now but still a nice sight to finally see.
I've platinumed Uncharted, and I'm one away from platnuming inFAMOUS. I've definitely 100% games as far as story and stuff go, but I don't always go back and collect everything, and I hardly ever try for all multiplayer achievements.
I guess I 100%ed The Walking Dead, but if you finish it you get all achievements though.
Yea. In the first game I found all the treasures. Second game I have like... 15 more maybe? Probably less. In the third game, I still have to finish it on Crushing lmao. I only played through it once :-? How the fuck did that happen?
I played through the first game like six times. ) Twice before they added Trophies to it, so I had to completely delete my data, and start all over to get the trophies.
I played the fuck outta all three, but with multiplayer added to the second and third (especially the third with split screen - I played A LOT with my brother), I didn't play the campaigns as much as the first game.
Gamestop sent me a 20% off coupon for a used game. My girlfriend is going to be in Ireland for the next 10 days, so needless to say i'm going to have a lot more gaming time coming up.
And since its used I can return it within 7 days and get my money back if I don't like it. So all thats a win.
I guess I 100%ed The Walking Dead, but if you finish it you get all achievements though.
Twice before they added Trophies to it, so I had to completely delete my data, and start all over to get the trophies.