I prefer games like Zelda more than anything but at this point in my life games like COD serve me better as I usually only have about a half hour here and there too jump in a game.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Cause I play cod my opinion doesn't mean shit?Fuck you irate. Cod is one of the most played multiplayer games on earth. Sorry you can't role play and suck wizard dick.
CoDs like a top 40 pop fag of games. People who play it only play whats big. Same shit every game. Flashy. No substance. Its a game for non gamers.
Cause I play cod my opinion doesn't mean shit?Fuck you irate. Cod is one of the most played multiplayer games on earth. Sorry you can't role play and suck wizard dick.
COD is one of the most played video games on Earth so that makes it good or better than other shit? Nickelback has sold 50 million albums. Fuck your argument lol
I didn't say it was as good or better iv had many a bitches with COD...all iv ever said is that it's fun. Which is true. They usually release quite a few updates that improve gameplay. It's fun. Regardless mc has a hard on for hating cod
I was just busting your balls for the most part. I really hate Call of Duty. It started okay for me. Big Red One, and World at War were sick as fuck and I would play them again for sure. I just think as of MW2 and up they got extremely lazy. They stopped trying. Every game was exactly the same. No update in graphics, nothing. Just pushing games out for the sake of pushing them out, just doing a minimal touch up job before release.
The lineup for games on xbone and ps4 are sort of shit right now but it's gonna be godly by christmas... I made the decision to go with xbox one because I want to play with my friends and the differences aren't major to me. Also I like the xbox controller a lot more.
But the games coming out soon look sick. I want to get Arkham Knight, Halo Master Chief Collection, Far Cry 4, and UFC. Possibly one or two others depending on how much of a tax return I get.
Actually, the heads of COD themselves released an article not too long ago stating COD players are not serious gamers. They went on to say COD is made for casuals and people who don't really play all that much. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/10/21/call-of-duty-players-arent-hardcore-gamers-says-infinity-ward
But the games coming out soon look sick. I want to get Arkham Knight, Halo Master Chief Collection, Far Cry 4, and UFC. Possibly one or two others depending on how much of a tax return I get.
So what's the word on destiny :!!