Can anyone tell me if MGS4 will turn into a great addition to the metal gear series or if I should just take it back tomorrow and rent resistance or uncharted 2...I just got a ps3 so playing catch up and MGS4 is seeming a little gay...maybe just need to get into it more..
MGS2 was the shit..i loved that game...I just met up with team dumb fart jokes and am about to fight the frogs unit...i'm just having trouble getting into watching a senior citizen sneak around with his back hurting...and the dumb diarrhea guy abrika or w/e made me shut my console off earlier..fucking dumb
2 was the worst as far as story went i really didn't like it........3 and 4 are the best as far as story goes.....1 just comes in first cause its a classic.....
they shouldn't have taken out the part in 2 where arsenal gear crashed into the statue of liberty and smashed into manhattan.....but it was after sept 11 so....but i thought that would have been epic
Metal Gear 2 was my favorite...sure Raiden was a fag but Snake made up for it...
will never forget sneaking past giant group of enemies watching the presentation or w/e...thought that was like the coolest thing ever...and when shit got all weird towards end and the fucked up radio transmitions...classic
they shouldn't have taken out the part in 2 where arsenal gear crashed into the statue of liberty and smashed into manhattan.....but it was after sept 11 so....but i thought that would have been epic
will never forget sneaking past giant group of enemies watching the presentation or w/e...thought that was like the coolest thing ever...and when shit got all weird towards end and the fucked up radio transmitions...classic
I HATED swapping discs in MGS 1... i would always put in the cd and, by instrict, hit reset. (not really much info loss) but a fucking drag.
Narrowing it down, are we?