looking like i'll probably be getting Xbox Live Gold shortly. dropping our 70 buck a month cable for HuluPlus seeing as its 8 bucks and has all the shows i was interested in watching anyway.
You do because you refuse to pay for Live. Sales are higher for a game with competitive multiplayer.
actually my last post stated i will be getting live soon and even then i still will not play them online. Why? because i don't find mindless death-matches with shit talking little kids fun
People don't even talk in game anymore because of party chats. The only time you'll hear snot nosed kids is in COD where they took away the option to party chat.
I lol's so hard at 2:30
also i can't be the only one cuz they are making Prey 2 with no multiplayer
unless they changed something from the last article i read in gameinformer its a single player only game
I definitely plan on picking up MW3 even though I know the bullshit online multiplayer stress that comes with it.
Uncharted just got 10 on IGN. Straight 10 in every everything O_O I never seen that.
Already being called GOTY ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^