Ive played the back 4 blood beta, and i really hope its stripped down. There is some potential there, but what i played absolutely sucked lol.
Wasn't impressed by the gameplay reveal. Sort of pointless since L4D2 is backwards compatible, I was hype because I figured they'd try to improve on them instead it just looks like a shitty imitation with microtransactions. I'll just play the originals or Zombie Army if I want something more updated
Set up my c1 yesterday. Shit looks amazing. Got the 48, it barely fits on the desk it's on. Almost knocks the ps5 off. So far from with what I can tell no dead pixels and very little banding.
Replayed and beat Donkey Kong Country last night. In my top 20 favorite games of all time and hasn't changed. Never played 2 or 3 but they have those for switch as well. Almost done with 2 man but its hard as fuck. Haven't raged at a game in a min
Original gameplay and graphics, with updated resolutions. As god intended.
Got the 48, it barely fits on the desk it's on. Almost knocks the ps5 off. So far from with what I can tell no dead pixels and very little banding.