I didn’t plan on playing until I can play on PS5, and the next gen versions don’t even drop til 2021. So things are still the same for me either way. 🤣
I didn’t plan on playing until I can play on PS5, and the next gen versions don’t even drop til 2021. So things are still the same for me either way. 🤣
Damn, I didn’t know that. Now i dont even really care about getting a series x on launch day.
Im still going to try just for the fun of it, but that sucks.
Its really underwhelming that most of the games coming out now wont be that much different. Going to need a year or two like every generation.
Finished Samurai Jack. Dope lil game. I never really watched the show like that. I do remember I used to throw it on as a kid but I definitely never kept up wit it or finished it. So an actual fan of the show would prolly enjoy this even more. Definitely short. Took me about 7 hours. But being that it already ain’t a full priced game I ain’t mad about that. Combat is a bit wonky and the parry honestly sucks, it coulda been way more fluid overall. But it was serviceable enough. Game gets retarded hard at the end and I was only on normal and there’s 2 difficulties above it lmao. Definitely glad I checked it out, but I would prolly say to wait until it drops to $30 or $20 (It’s $40 normally.)
There was one random gripe I had, but it might be right in line wit the show, in which case this is irrelevant, but the soundtrack felt so out of place. There was parts where there were Hip Hop beats, funky Jazz like beats, etc., and it never felt like it belonged to either the overall aesthetic or even the individual world that it would play in. The last game I played that was anything like this was Ghost Of Tsushima and obviously that’s a realistic traditional game that’s based on real life Japanese samurais, so all the music fit exactly that and was historically accurate. I’m not sure if the show had that same more realistic Japanese feel to it, or if it was jus as off the wall, but either way it was definitely a lil distracting in the game.
Strongly strongly considering finally pulling the trigger on Cuphead. I’ve always wanted to because I adore the art style but as previously mentioned I avoided it because of the difficulty. But everything I seen online has said that Crash 4 is literally harder than Cuphead by a long shot. So now that I suffered thru all that, Cuphead can’t possibly be any worse. Plus it’s only $20. 🤷🏻♂️ Will prolly cop on Switch tho so that the trophies don’t even exist and I can simply jus play through it normally lmao.
Finally started Super Mario 3D All Stars. 64 really aged like milk. 😬 Might not even finish 64 tbh this is really jarring to play. I mainly wanted this for Sunshine and Galaxy anyways. Plus 64 is the only one I’ve already beat, I was 1 when it originally came out so I beat the re-release on DS lol.
64 really should have gotten a full blown remake tho at the very least even if all 3 weren’t remakes.
Nostalgia aside, it’s the worst 3D Mario. Especially after playing Odyssey. It’s not it’s fault it’s jus a product of it’s time but I really don’t see why they couldn’t jus do the full remake all these years later.
I mean not really lol. It’s jus laziness on Nintendo’s part. Do you know how much better All Stars would have sold if all 3 were full blown remakes instead? Galaxy didn’t need it but at least the first 2.
I mean not really lol. It’s jus laziness on Nintendo’s part. Do you know how much better All Stars would have sold if all 3 were full blown remakes instead? Galaxy didn’t need it but at least the first 2.
Eh I prefer ports tbh.
Sick of the remake trend. I like original games left alone most of the time.
Strongly strongly considering finally pulling the trigger on Cuphead. I’ve always wanted to because I adore the art style but as previously mentioned I avoided it because of the difficulty. But everything I seen online has said that Crash 4 is literally harder than Cuphead by a long shot. So now that I suffered thru all that, Cuphead can’t possibly be any worse. Plus it’s only $20. 🤷🏻♂️ Will prolly cop on Switch tho so that the trophies don’t even exist and I can simply jus play through it normally lmao.
Didn't have any lag or frame rate drops
There was one random gripe I had, but it might be right in line wit the show, in which case this is irrelevant, but the soundtrack felt so out of place. There was parts where there were Hip Hop beats, funky Jazz like beats, etc., and it never felt like it belonged to either the overall aesthetic or even the individual world that it would play in. The last game I played that was anything like this was Ghost Of Tsushima and obviously that’s a realistic traditional game that’s based on real life Japanese samurais, so all the music fit exactly that and was historically accurate. I’m not sure if the show had that same more realistic Japanese feel to it, or if it was jus as off the wall, but either way it was definitely a lil distracting in the game.
Sick of the remake trend. I like original games left alone most of the time.