DOOM legitimately has a high cap too. But my biggest problem with it is my comp cant run it. I get like 20 frames playing multiplayer for some reason. Single player I play on second hardest difficulty
Overwatch is fine, I just cant solo que.
Quake is also fine, but has a high skill cap. I'll get there with time, but its apparent who is a noob at the game and who has been playing since Quake Live.
I was also starting to do really well in Toxikk. Was in the upper half of players when it had a player base. Though that game died quickly.
And Unreal Tournament never really had a playerbase to begin with, but I was fine against bots.
I dont see any of you playing high skill games. Come play me in Quake or stfu.
Even the people that didn't like the first Destiny have enjoyed this one. Also reviews in anything are a joke especially if you use them as a deciding factor
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'm a right wing conservative christian..I'm as far from a snowflake as you can get...As a matter of fact..My kind is extremely dangerous...So shut your mouth juggalo
I'm a right wing conservative christian..I'm as far from a snowflake as you can get...As a matter of fact..My kind is extremely dangerous...So shut your mouth juggalo
I'm a right wing conservative christian..I'm as far from a snowflake as you can get...As a matter of fact..My kind is extremely dangerous...So shut your mouth juggalo
Overwatch is fine, I just cant solo que.
Quake is also fine, but has a high skill cap. I'll get there with time, but its apparent who is a noob at the game and who has been playing since Quake Live.
I was also starting to do really well in Toxikk. Was in the upper half of players when it had a player base. Though that game died quickly.
And Unreal Tournament never really had a playerbase to begin with, but I was fine against bots.
I dont see any of you playing high skill games. Come play me in Quake or stfu.