I was interested in Splatoon all the way up until no multiplayer on the same console
That was definitely a disappointment. Also can't play on the go without wifi. Also sucks. But it's still way more fun to play than I expected. The matches go quick so sharing turns isn't that bad. It's unexpectedly been my go to game when I sit down to play something.
Most recent reviews. I cut out the theme song. Its impossible to get views. Probably isnt even worth the time I put into this channel. Will probably reassess if I will continue it at the end of the year.
Updated currently playing: Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Blaster Master Zero, Quake Champions, Sonic: Mania, Spark the Electric Jester, Phantasmagoria, Pubg
Recently finished: Yooka-Laylee, Hollow Knight (still have expansion to do), Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Im hving so much fun with destiny 5-6 hours in. The game play is just so smooth. Great shooting mechanics. We will see how i feel after experiencing end game stuff but so far i love it.
That was definitely a disappointment. Also can't play on the go without wifi. Also sucks. But it's still way more fun to play than I expected. The matches go quick so sharing turns isn't that bad. It's unexpectedly been my go to game when I sit down to play something.
Horizon Zero Dawn, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Blaster Master Zero, Quake Champions, Sonic: Mania, Spark the Electric Jester, Phantasmagoria, Pubg
Recently finished:
Yooka-Laylee, Hollow Knight (still have expansion to do), Mighty Gunvolt Burst
On deck:
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero - Pirate Queen's Quest, Cuphead (once released)
Still need to buy:
Nier Automata, Sundered, Disney: Afternoon Collection