WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
oh... im not all that interested in formal education of it. Im more interested in figuring it out because my son wants to get into video game design. So I thought it i threw something together then I could help him get started. He's only 13 so college is a little early.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited July 2015
I was going to make a 2D side scroller like Super Mario Bros and release it on IOS and android maybe. Havent decided on a theme but thinking something to do with Ninjas because why the fuck not. Ill make original 8bit music for it that will be heavy metal themed. Hell, Ill probably just rip off already established riffs like black dog or number of the beast and make them 8-bit versions. So I have Ninjas, metal... sounds like a winning package no?
If you think that idea sucks, give me a better theme idea.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Maybe the story will be the president was kidnapped by ISIS members, and the Military failed save save him, so the US government has decided to seek out the help of an ancient arts... they come to you... THE LAST OF THE NINJAS. You are their only hope. Save the president.
Maybe the story will be the president was kidnapped by ISIS members, and the Military failed save save him, so the US government has decided to seek out the help of an ancient arts... they come to you... THE LAST OF THE NINJAS. You are their only hope. Save the president.
Maybe the story will be the president was kidnapped by ISIS members, and the Military failed save save him, so the US government has decided to seek out the help of an ancient arts... they come to you... THE LAST OF THE NINJAS. You are their only hope. Save the president.
oh... im not all that interested in formal education of it. Im more interested in figuring it out because my son wants to get into video game design. So I thought it i threw something together then I could help him get started. He's only 13 so college is a little early.
What do you want to know?
Flash is an easy/quick way for someone that age to learn some coding as well as making little games.
Also check out Stencyl. Its free, and is a game making software for beginners. It'd be an easy way for him to get straight into game design. There's no coding involved, but it uses simple "algorithms" to make things work. "If -> is pressed, character moves right" simple shit like that. As he learns more actual code, he can supplement all that simple stuff with his own code. Its a great learning tool.
oh... im not all that interested in formal education of it. Im more interested in figuring it out because my son wants to get into video game design. So I thought it i threw something together then I could help him get started. He's only 13 so college is a little early.
What do you want to know?
Flash is an easy/quick way for someone that age to learn some coding as well as making little games.
Also check out Stencyl. Its free, and is a game making software for beginners. It'd be an easy way for him to get straight into game design. There's no coding involved, but it uses simple "algorithms" to make things work. "If -> is pressed, character moves right" simple shit like that. As he learns more actual code, he can supplement all that simple stuff with his own code. Its a great learning tool.
Thanks! exactly what I was looking for. He is already programming in C++. Nothing complicated but just random software problems I come up with. I was a little surprised how quickly he picked it up.
Unreal Engine 4 is fantastic. Extremely easy to use, and of course being free is awesome. It actually has a lot of similar tools that I described Stencyl having (code free game designing, ability to supplement your own code in the ez-game design, etc) there's also an asset market where you can download different models (trees, houses, etc) a lot of which are free.
I honestly wish programs like these were availible when i was your son's age. While you certainly wouldnt want him leaning on all these features as a crutch instead of actually learning, its a nice to way to skip a lot of the demotivating aspects of the craft and see tangible results (actual gameplay) quickly.
If you think that idea sucks, give me a better theme idea.
Hes written his path with the mark of the game
Flash is an easy/quick way for someone that age to learn some coding as well as making little games.
Also check out Stencyl. Its free, and is a game making software for beginners. It'd be an easy way for him to get straight into game design. There's no coding involved, but it uses simple "algorithms" to make things work. "If -> is pressed, character moves right" simple shit like that. As he learns more actual code, he can supplement all that simple stuff with his own code. Its a great learning tool.
What are your thoughts about Unreal Engine 4?
I honestly wish programs like these were availible when i was your son's age. While you certainly wouldnt want him leaning on all these features as a crutch instead of actually learning, its a nice to way to skip a lot of the demotivating aspects of the craft and see tangible results (actual gameplay) quickly.