Dude our band is not big at all, we play small venues and a few times a year get lucky enough to open for someone cool. Bitches be hollering more frequent especially when my wife's with me, they act flirtatious as hell, I'm like wut? Get outta here hoes. I got friends that are girls and respectable, but don't get it twisted, there are straight whores that will suck our dicks for the sole purpose of us bein in a band. Our new singer is proof of that. He had trouble getting BJ's from town sluts, since he joined the band, bitches are hanging all over his trifflin ass. I don't get it, I noticed it from when I joined the band too, but I'm married so I'm just like I'm married hop off drunk slut, but show me your tits pls. Only worked once...
Dood your band is pretty big especially in your little hardcore circle.. That is soooooo different than just playing a guitar. It's not the same at all
and Jeresy State Police don't fuck around lol. i got a ticket once for obstructing the flow of traffic... when i was speeding already.
Police: new jersey state police how may I help you?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)