That would be fine if their in-conference opponents were worth a fuck, but they're really not. You might get a couple of top 25 teams in there but that's it. Only Wisconsin and Michigan even come close this year. Georgia played 3 top 10 teams in the first 4 weeks
I work with a couple of OSU fans and they are retardedly delusional. You should see the looks they get when they go on about OSU being better than Alabama (and LSU, Georgia, any SEC team that's hot atm). I can't tell if they're for real or just trolling
That would be fine if their in-conference opponents were worth a fuck, but they're really not. You might get a couple of top 25 teams in there but that's it. Only Wisconsin and Michigan even come close this year. Georgia played 3 top 10 teams in the first 4 weeks
I work with a couple of OSU fans and they are retardedly delusional. You should see the looks they get when they go on about OSU being better than Alabama (and LSU, Georgia, any SEC team that's hot atm). I can't tell if they're for real or just trolling
What's funny is Urban's Florida teams took advantage of the system to get to the championship ahead of undefeated teams before....
North Texas just lost to Marc's bitchmade UTSA Roadrunners. I'm fucking pissed off on Erik levels right now. God fucking damn it, stupid ass team was literally flipping the fans off and everything, jesus christ.
Maybe they should try playing a schedule with several top 10 teams on it. Hard to show your mettle when you play a bunch of cream puffs all season
I work with a couple of OSU fans and they are retardedly delusional. You should see the looks they get when they go on about OSU being better than Alabama (and LSU, Georgia, any SEC team that's hot atm). I can't tell if they're for real or just trolling