I honestly don't think OKC will do shit until either Westbrook or Durant are gone. Can't have 2 leaders. Their talents clash too much rather than complimenting eachother.
what he was getting sued for before was over how apartment complex...he owned some apartments and would only let Koreans live there...he even had Koreans who were ex military doing his security for the place...which to me is smart lol...Koreans are clean as fuck...and white peoples kids are gonna fuck your place up...same with black people's kids...but Koreans they are quiet and clean ...to me that's more prejudice than racists...but yeah that shit he said about the players is fucked up...and what he said about magic Johnson lol
duh lol
It's looking that way and the league wondering why they're losing money.
I'll watch and root for the spurs again...last years finals were one of the best in recent memory.
Okc [-O<
OKC choked this game away.
Holy shit that was a crazy 9 minutes
Gotta think if the Thunder lose this series that Brooks is going to get the boot.
Yeah he should lol
I honestly don't think OKC will do shit until either Westbrook or Durant are gone. Can't have 2 leaders. Their talents clash too much rather than complimenting eachother.
nah dude you're crazy
>_O lol
fuck sterlings wife is delusional as fuck if she thinks she's not gonna have to sell if the owners get a 3/4 vote lol
I love how she's tryin to come out lookin like the good guy
You married a bitter old racist for money go find a cliff
what he was getting sued for before was over how apartment complex...he owned some apartments and would only let Koreans live there...he even had Koreans who were ex military doing his security for the place...which to me is smart lol...Koreans are clean as fuck...and white peoples kids are gonna fuck your place up...same with black people's kids...but Koreans they are quiet and clean ...to me that's more prejudice than racists...but yeah that shit he said about the players is fucked up...and what he said about magic Johnson lol
lol @ Sterling claiming he's made only one mistake.......
not even a Little funny
Yeah it was pretty weak lol
I'm his silly rabbit. We have a very professional relationship.
funny idea, poor execution
direct tv ones never do it for me....lazy comedy