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The Official Album Review Thread



  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    edited July 2010
    I never did it again but I forgot I had school the next day and was like "Oh shit..." <_>

  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,722 mod
    Crazy kids....<_>
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • cannibiscorpsecannibiscorpse Posts: 5,577 salt miner
    Decrepit Birth's Polarity is fuckin' great. /good review
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Decrepit Birth's Polarity is fuckin' great. /good review
    11/10 ?
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    A kid brought a bag of brown sugar to school in eighth grade an told everyone it was crystal meth.

    He was suspended, and many lulz were had. Later that year, he was expelled for dealing weed in a monumental bust because one faggot who everyone thought was cool got caught and ratted everyone out.
  • cannibiscorpsecannibiscorpse Posts: 5,577 salt miner
    Decrepit Birth's Polarity is fuckin' great. /good review
    11/10 ?
    i'll knock that up to a 12 yo! nah it's great but not perfect/ itll be a favorite of the year though
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    My favorite was freshman year, we had this kid named Chaz. Sitting in Algebra freshman year, he comes back from the bathroom. As he's walking to his desk, he drops a lighter. The teacher is like, "Chaz you dropped something," and he just looks at her, and casually picks it up and puts it in his pocket. Five minutes later the assistant principal walks in and sayd "Someone was smoking marijuana in the boys room, has anyone used a hallpass in your class?" He didn't sign out so his name wasn't on the paper, and it was like the teacher covered for him because she said no lol
    image Photobucket
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    My highlight of my entire time in school is still a kid I know's outburst in science class. I posted it before, so peepz prob remember it.
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2010
    There was a kid at my school this year who flat out took a shit in a trash can in the middle of class cuz the teacher wouldn't let him use the restroom. I did not witness it but it was confirmed
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    Mine was probably this:
    Security guard is following kid. Kid is ignoring him and keeps walking. Security guard yells stuff. Kid turns around and throws a punch at the security guard. The guard then tackles the kid (the kid is a twig and the guard is a huge guy, must way about 250 lbs). Then holds him there till the cop comes, puts him in handcuffs and takes him away. Lunch that day was interesting
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    There was a kid at my school this year who flat out took a shit in a trash can in the middle of class cuz the teacher wouldn't let him use the restroom.
    Get on your lollerskates, the roflcopter is coming
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited July 2010
    since errybawdy's typing theirs out I might as well...

    We were in biology taking a test, everybody's silent. A kid named Ryan (who has nothing wrong with him mentally, he just smokes too much weed and doesn't care about anything lol) hands in his test and sits down. Now normally, he does stupid funny things during class but this was hands down the best.

    He sits down, and says "cunt" in a semi quiet volume. No response from anyone. "Cunt." "Cunt." I think he's done, so I look back down on my test. It's dead quiet, and out of nowhere I hear him screaming at an asian kid across the room "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING LOOKING AT YOU FUCKING CUNT? YEAH FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING CUNT, SUCK MY FUCKING DICK YOU CUNT!" The teacher, in complete disbelief, says "Ryan, whats the problem?" To which Ryan replies, "THIS CUNT WANTS TO SUCK MY DICK!" So she called the dean who took Ryan away.

    The next time Ryan was in class (I believe the next week) the asian kid walked up to his desk and said something lame like "I heard you were talking shit about me" and Ryan just stares at him with a smirk and says "Yeah, what the fuck are you gonna do about it you fucking pussy?" The kid starts lamely threatening to hit him to which Ryan constantly coaxes him with "How about you go sit the fuck down and look like a little bitch in front of your friends you pussy? You're a little bitch, you won't do shit." And the retarded asian asks the class "Should I hit him?" (and of course one of the retarded black kids yells "BEAT HIS ASS!")

    Needless to say, the asian did nothing, but Ryan was taken away again, after apologizing to the teacher in a hysterically sincere way.
  • 1D_for_life1D_for_life Posts: 13,785 destroyer of motherfuckers
  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    edited July 2010
    I stole some kid's beanie and put tuna in it. He was almost brought to tears. That's about as crazy as things get in my school.

    Edit: I realized that is going to be read in a different way than intended, so I changed/reposted.
  • cannibiscorpsecannibiscorpse Posts: 5,577 salt miner
    boring school? sounds like it
  • StratophonyStratophony Posts: 9,212 just the tip
    My favorite was freshman year, we had this kid named Chaz.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,281 mod
    Metal album of the year for me, nuff said.

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Tyler, The Creator - Goblin

    I'll just start with a track by track review.

    Goblin: The minute he started rapping I knew that this was gonna be treated almost as a direct sequel to the song Bastard, as they are both very similar, a very simple and slow beat, a very sinister and evil feel, and Tyler breaking down about a lot of his problems. Except on Bastard, those problems were mainly about his Dad and childhood problems, on Goblin, it's more about the problems that came with his fame. Either way, it still comes through with a very evil feeling, and Tyler has an amazing flow all the way through. This definitely has one of my favorite beats on the entire album. 10/10

    Yonkers: Not much to be said about this one, it's been out for months, it's the main single, but it's still fucking amazing, I love how Tyler made the song an argument between himself and Wolf Haley and contradicts himself every line, genius. 10/10

    Radicals: KILL PEOPLE BURN SHIT FUCK SCHOOL. This is definitely the heaviest song on the album, gets me pumped up every time, and I just can't fucking wait to scream that chorus 'til my voice blows when I finally have the opportunity to see them. This song is very inspiring to me, gave me major chills the first time I heard it when Tyler did his little speeches. The break at the end was odd though, seemed out of place and drawn out, not sure what was up with that. 10/10

    She: So much can be said about this song. I absolutely fucking love it. Tyler's the only one who can take a love song, and completely twist it into a demented love story about someone being so in love with a bitch to the point that he stalks, rapes, and kills her, and still pull it off, all while keeping a light Poppy feel with an extremely catchy chorus. Won't lie here, Frank Ocean completely steals the spotlight on this song. Definitely the most catchy song on the album. Most of the time I listen to the entire album, but when I listen to individual songs, I find myself constantly replaying this one. 10/10

    Transylvania: The beat caught my attention immediately. Left Brain is fucking insane. This is definitely one of the best beats on the album. Tyler shows one of his best flows from Goblin on this song, but all the effects and pitch shifting he constantly does to his voice on this song are really odd, this could have been so much better without that, so I'll take off a point for that. 9/10

    Nightmare: Arguably my favorite song on the album. Just completely blows my mind, and it's beautiful in it's own fucked up way, I won't lie, this song made me tear up the other day, (inb4 Erik is a pussy.) but it shows how well I relate to Tyler's Music. He completely tears his life apart, and the more I listen to him, especially this song, the more it appears to me that me and him had a very similar life, and feel the same way about life. It's nice to have "someone" through his Music to be there with this kinda shit. It helps me think about everything and clear my mind. Anyways, chorus is amazing as well, and he shows his deepest lyrics that he's arguably ever done thus far on this song. 11/10

    Tron Cat: OHHHH BOY. This song is fucking insane in every way. To start off, the beat is just fucking demented, I love it. He raps from a completely new persona that was introduced with this album, which is the evil voice in his head telling him to kill people, called Tron Cat. Which is another part of why I love this song, I love his different personas, so of course I'd love a new one as long as he pulled it off well, which he did, he also raps with a much darker and pissed off voice in this song, and it really adds to the song and it's subject matter. Lyrically, this is the best song on the album, he kills it on so many lines, my favorites being "Rape a pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome." "You got a fucking death wish? I'm a genie, it'll get done." and "I'm not a Rapper, nor a rapist, nor a racist, I fuck bitches with no permission and tend to hate shit. Brag about the actions in a rhyming pattern matter, and proceed to sat her down while I go splatter in her chatterbox.". As well as "Evident that I'm the shit, I'm the Pooh like Tigger dick.". Also, the part at the end where he says "Catch me in the attic taking photos of my Dad's dick, drop the beat here to make it extra climactic." gives me chills every fucking time, that beat drop is insane. I can't wait to hear it on my P.A. Speaker when I get the cables for it. 11/10

    Her: So now we do a complete 180 and switch back to Tyler, and I love how seamlessly Tyler does it without making it seem awkward or out of place. Anyways, any dude that's ever seriously cared about a bitch can completely relate to this, and no one can deny that, this is a very deep and real song, makes me feel bad for him, I know exactly what it's like. But I constantly find myself replaying this just like She, amazing song. 10/10

    Sandwitches: GODDAMN LIL HOMIE. Too fucking insane. Best beat on the album hands down, full of adrenaline, a pissed off Tyler with some insane rhymes, yet again spitting out lines that I can completely relate to. This, like Radicals, is a song that I'm too fucking stoked for to see live. Hodgy comes in spitting some absolute fire, him and Earl are my second favorites right behind Tyler, I love both of Hodgy's verses so much, but he also says quite possibly the lamest bar on this entire album, the line is "Triple Six is my number, you can get it off my Tumblr." I found that extremely lame, but it didn't really take away from the song, Hodgy's verses were ace, but that bar was just lame as Hell. Still, mindblowing song. 10/10

    Fish: Uh... I've heard this song countless times and I'm not really sure what to think of this song. It reminds me of VCR off of Bastard, but like that song, it's still very odd. Tyler's flows on this just to seem to lack any actual flow and he sounds very droney (Even though that's not a word lolz.) but that also may be because of his overuse of voice effects and pitch shifting like on Transylvania. Frank Ocean's singing verse was just odd. However, even with all these negatives, I love the song because of the beat. Tyler is an amazing producer, and most of his beats are amazing, so he has extra ammunition in his songs with that talent, another reason as to why I like him so much. Anyways, very odd song. 7/10

    BOPPIN' BITCH: Lulz, unofficial song, it'a not in the tracklisting, and it plays under Fish, but it plays on the same song right after Fish ends, it's like it's own little song. This song is just fun as Hell and it has a really upbeat and cheerful beat that just makes you wanna smile lolz. SO I MET. THIS GIRL. AT THE. CLUB. AND I JUST WANTED. HER. TO SUCK MY DICK. AND THAT'S BECAUSE.....SHE A BOPPIN' BITCH! 10/10

    Analog: This just flew past me at first and didn't even catch my attention, but I really like it now and constantly find myself replaying it, it's an amazing song. Probably gonna be the next single, fun and catchy Summer time/party tune. Love Hodgy on this song. 10/10

    Bitch Suck Dick: Lolz, this is Goblin's equivalent of Bastard's Tina. Just a retarded song with a great beat done for fun. People take these 2 songs too seriously, even though Jasper and Taco both openly admit that they can't rap. I love this song, because it shows that OFWGKTA are keeping the spirit that they're still just kids and they wanna have have fun and do what the fuck they want. This song captures that feeling perfectly. Insane beat though for real. 10/10

  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited May 2011
    Window: I'm not sure about this song. To give a little backstory, the entire album has a storyline, which I'll explain after the track by track review, but, at the end of Bitch Suck Dick, Tyler shoots and kills Jasper and Taco, so Window is supposed to be an intervention with all of Tyler's friends, and this song features Domo Genesis, Frank Ocean, Hodgy Beats, and Mike G, and at the beginning of the song, Dr. TC says: "Well Tyler, I brought all your friends here to talk to you, we couldn't find Jasper and Taco for some reason..." So, cool concept, intervention with 4 other members of OFWGKTA, really cool concept, I knew this song had so much potential...that's why it was worse when it was such a let down. The problem, is that it's intervention, right? So they should have been rapping to Tyler with verses about how they're worried or what's wrong with him, but nope. Domo's verse is nothing but weed and how he's a stoner, which doesn't surprise me, he's my least favorite in OFWGKTA and all he ever raps about is weed, but he couldn't try harder on this song? Rapping about how much of a stoner you are on a song like this is fucking retarded. Frank Ocean raps on here, which is odd being that he's usually a singer, but his flow comes off as really bland, and he goes off topic as well, and has not one line that would relate to intervention. Hodgy disappoints here too, starts rapping about weed and random shit. Mike G isn't much different either. Tyler's verse is last, and luckily sticks to the theme of intervention and talking about his problems, all while getting more mental and insane sounding, since we're coming to the conclusion of the album, so Tyler's verse was great, but not enough to save the song when he just had 4 other Rappers ruin his song. At the end, as a part of the story, he has a very realistic sounding mental breakdown and kills Domo, Frank, Hodgy, and Mike G. I would've done the same if they ruined my song like that. <_> I'm just so disappointed because of how amazing this song truly could have been with it's concept. 6/10

    AU79: Love this, it serves as like a calm after AND before the storm. In Window, he just killed everyone, and Golden is the conclusion, so I feel that this fits perfectly. Shows off Tyler's production skills, I almost wish he would have flowed over this, but this is a great instrumental as it is. 10/10

    Golden: Oh my God, no words could describe how amazing this song is. In every way. To start off, the beat is fucking amazing, and is hands down the darkest beat on Goblin and quite possibly the darkest beat I've ever heard in Hip Hop period. The entire song is very sorrowful and truly captures that suicidal vibe the entire way through, his voice sounds so pained and pissed off, and I feel that this perfectly captures the feeling of absolutely losing it and breaking down right before ending your life, it's so realistic it's scary, almost as if he's legitimately been in this position before... But, even though he doesn't actually kill himself in the song, I feel as if this was the absolute best way to end the album, and since each song gradually shows him getting crazier and crazier, I feel that this truly truly captures the peak of that insanity. The ending gives me chills every time I hear it, just artistic gold, perfect way to incorporate a story into an album as well as end it. 11/10

    Bonus tracks from the Deluxe Edition:

    Not gonna go as detailed into these.

    Burger: Insane beat, and gives me a very old school Hip Hop vibe, love it. Hodgy's verse is insane. 10/10.

    Untitled 63: Not sure what purpose this serves, it's like a minute long standard Jazzy sounding song, completely instrumental... Odd. 5/10

    Steak Sauce: Once again, insane beat, and Tyler comes with ferocity on this song, he sounds so fucking pissed off, I love it. 10/10.

    Story to the album, I'll make it short, if you wanna go more in depth or actually care, just Google it. But in Bastard, Dr. TC says this meeting will have 3 sessions, so it's being taken as Bastard = Session 1, Goblin = Session 2, and Wolf = Session 3. Goblin follows the story of Tyler talking to his counselor/conscience about random problems, Goblin being about his fame, Nightmare being about his entire life, Tron Cat being about the voice in his head, Her being about the girl that broke his heart, etc. All while gradually losing it more and more and sounding more mental, finally going completely insane at the end.

    Anyways, this album blows my mind every time, and even though it has it's very few weak spots, I find this album perfect, since I don't see them taking away from the album in a major way. My major complaint is I just wish they brought Window to it's full potential. But this is a work of pure genius and art, and I mean it when I say it's the best album I've ever heard. This is my idol, the dude who keeps me inspired and keeps me believing in something, and makes me feel as if I belong. 11/10
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