Yeah I debated. I only say should have because he had a good day. Both of them have kind of been up and down all year. I wasn't counting on you getting 19 points from the Green Bay defense though.
Yeah I debated. I only say should have because he had a good day. Both of them have kind of been up and down all year. I wasn't counting on you getting 19 points from the Green Bay defense though.
Neither was I. I wanted the Dolphins D this week and I missed em. Guess I just got lucky. I think this team has a shot once Gordon comes back in a week and if Foster can still be awesome.
Yeah I mean really anything can happen once the playoffs start. If Adrian Peterson actually does come back my teams gonna be pretty solid. Getting calvin healthy is big too.
If Asiata and Crowell stay away from the RB jobs in MIN/CLE for a while, I think Foster/Bell/McKinnon is a drool worthy set of RB's. I lucked into OBJ giving me some continuity at WR.
>mfw Sanchez drops 26.9 and I win by one
dat 8-2 feels good
also suck a dick