Im playing in this league and one of the teams autodrafted. He took Kevin Durant with the 3rd overall pick! ) dude isnt even playing for the first 1/4 of the season... maybe even longer. And his injury was way old news prior to the draft.
Who knows if he will play, but with the position I'm in I can afford to have him sit on the bench and find out.
I think it's now extremely likely he will be back, and probably much sooner than anyone thought. His plea wiped the felony so now the nfl just needs to decide what his punishment will be for this misdemeanor. Considering he's already had to sit like 8+ games because of it, I'd imagine the NFL wont come down harder than 1-2 more games. So you'll probably have him in your lineup week 11 week 12 tops. And everyone else in the league is going to be like "FUCK. Why didnt I pick up AP when I had the chance" Answer- Cause you are mentally handicapped. How Wine even missed this is ridiculous.
In my league there were 9 WW's used for AP this week. 9! And I was 4th of the list, he went to the person who was 3 fuck rex for getting him with the 12th WW transaction.
Basically he was on the exempt list. He still got paid during that time, so once the NFL decides how many games the suspension is for, he will have to pay back the amount amount of money for those games. The NFLPA is going to push hard to get him reinstated asap. I'm hopeful but I'm not counting on it.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I personally think it's a done deal. Vikings want him back asap, he wants back asap, and NFL wants him back but also needs to figure out the best way to save face. Face it, he's back and the rest of your league fucked up. Hope you win the whole thing because of this move.
More importantly... Post of the names of the idiots who had higher WW spots and didn't pick him up
and D. THomas
if AP plays its booked nigga.
calvin is coming back. team finna be goat ^:)^
In my league there were 9 WW's used for AP this week. 9! And I was 4th of the list, he went to the person who was 3