Having a job that’s completely on your feet definitely pays dividends in real life applications. Noticed that I had next to no physical soreness whatsoever after Lolla. Can’t say the same for the way the alcohol and drugs wrecked me lmao but as far as actual muscle soreness and shit, there really was none this time. Was a nice ass change. I can usually barely walk after long ass festivals and shit lol.
Think I'm catching a write up tomorrow. There's a new girl in customer service. Started Tuesday. Talked with her for the first time today. My boss sent me up to get harvest labels for some shit we were running on the floor. The following convo took place
Her: Hi, Moe! Dylan has told me so much about you (my nigga who works on the dock by the customer service office).
Me: Oh shit, well don't believe a word he says
She laughs blah blah blah prints up my labels and Im kinda standing there staring off.
Her: You look pretty happy for 8am on a Thursday. Good day so far?
Me: Oh, nah got a concert later tonight I'm pretty excited for.
Her: No way, I'm going to a concert too! Are you going to Chris Brown and (da baby? R. Baby? Lil baby? Not sure who the other guy was,) too?
Me: No, going to a see a band named Anthrax.
Her: Are they like screaming guys?
Me: haha no, not at all but they have some pretty good heavier tunes. Here, give me your number ill send you a couple good ones.
Her: Okay! (Proceeds to give number, I'm like cool that was easy and she's cute so right on). She gives me my labels and I'm walking out and she goes "Have fun at your concert! Talk to you later, Moe!
My dumb ass: Thanks! Have fun at yours! And remember if he jumps into the crowd dodge it. He's not trying to crowd surf, he's trying to find the chick that looks the most like Rihanna and smack Her around.
She was definitely not amused and has not responded to the song I sent her ) after I changed and left for the day my boss was like "Hey Abdallah. Stop by before you clock in tomorrow morning, we need to have a conversation about how you're supposed to talk to the customer service girls. Might have a form for you to sign."
@Dime2I had to do this online training module earlier this week. It was about harassment and bullying in the workplace. My work takes this very seriously as we are part of Gallaghers (large corporate USA firm) Fuck me…most of the shit related to me…making inappropriate comments...leering at the hotties in the office...making derogatory comments about the lazy cunts and dumb shits and tards in the office...I might have to do the online course again coz I sure as shit didn't learn anything from it
Hell of a fucking night. Trainer checked traffic reports when we hit the NY border to figure out our route, GW was clear and that's the most direct path so we went for it. Get past the point of no return and a sign says the entire lower level is closed. Shit. Takes us 2hrs to clear the last mile before the bridge and get on the upper level, which is bottlenecked by construction at one point to ONE FUCKING LANE. For the busiest bridge in the USA.
Proceeded to then have a car pull out in front of me from a dead stop with no blinker on the NJ turnpike and then slammed the brakes once they were in my lane out of fear of realizing that a truck was coming at them. Stopped in time though
At least they're paying me $25/hr for this shit lol
Update: No write up, but I'm not allowed to go to customer service anymore lmao which is slightly annoying because now when I shit from there I have to send someone else. This chick ain't gonna cut it though. I told my girl who works security and she's like "Really? Fuck that bitch I'll get her fired." The plot thickens and now we wait
Me: Hey, you're Christina, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Moe.
Her: Hi, Moe! Dylan has told me so much about you (my nigga who works on the dock by the customer service office).
Me: Oh shit, well don't believe a word he says
She laughs blah blah blah prints up my labels and Im kinda standing there staring off.
Her: You look pretty happy for 8am on a Thursday. Good day so far?
Me: Oh, nah got a concert later tonight I'm pretty excited for.
Her: No way, I'm going to a concert too! Are you going to Chris Brown and (da baby? R. Baby? Lil baby? Not sure who the other guy was,) too?
Me: No, going to a see a band named Anthrax.
Her: Are they like screaming guys?
Me: haha no, not at all but they have some pretty good heavier tunes. Here, give me your number ill send you a couple good ones.
Her: Okay! (Proceeds to give number, I'm like cool that was easy and she's cute so right on). She gives me my labels and I'm walking out and she goes "Have fun at your concert! Talk to you later, Moe!
My dumb ass: Thanks! Have fun at yours! And remember if he jumps into the crowd dodge it. He's not trying to crowd surf, he's trying to find the chick that looks the most like Rihanna and smack Her around.
She was definitely not amused and has not responded to the song I sent her
Worth it
It was about harassment and bullying in the workplace.
My work takes this very seriously as we are part of Gallaghers (large corporate USA firm)
Fuck me…most of the shit related to me…making inappropriate comments...leering at the hotties in the office...making derogatory comments about the lazy cunts and dumb shits and tards in the office...I might have to do the online course again coz I sure as shit didn't learn anything from it
Proceeded to then have a car pull out in front of me from a dead stop with no blinker on the NJ turnpike and then slammed the brakes once they were in my lane out of fear of realizing that a truck was coming at them. Stopped in time though
At least they're paying me $25/hr for this shit lol