This mother fucker met me in Nebraska to check into our hotel and he literally grabbed a plastic bag woth maybe a pair of clothes in it, and a bag of shroom and cid in it and some weed.
All in a plastic bag sitting wide open in his trunk )))
then when he packed for Chicago he did the same thing.
Alright yeah, I could see it being used on white rice but that’s the only thing I could think trying it on. I just got to thinking when I get Chinese delivered they throw on so many packets of soy sauce and I always toss them.
General sao chicken FTW
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
iMac is currently at Best Buy getting a tune up from the Geek Squad. It’s about 7 years old and lately it’s gotten slow on me. There’s times that even starting up the computer takes about 5 minutes. Same timeframe for even opening my music program, which is basically the only thing I use the Mac for in the first place. There’s certain functions I can’t even do anymore. For instance, pitch shifting an entire song to chop and screw it, now freezes the program, leaving me unable to do it.
So I’m waiting to see how it is after I get it back, but either way that’s really only a band-aid and it’s sadly time to start looking at an upgrade.
I have basically 3 options.
The cheapest is simply upgrading my current iMac. They’re not as customizable as PCs, but mine is capable of upgrading it’s current 8GB RAM to 32GB, it’s 1TB hard drive to a 3TB fusion drive, and I can also upgrade my processor to a 3.5GHz quad-core Intel Core i7. The RAM alone would be quadrupled so I see no reason that wouldn’t improve things. If I go this route, I’d potentially upgrade all 3, but the RAM and processor for sure.
Other 2 options are either copping a 2021 iMac, or going back to PC and copping an AlienWare Aurora. Both are around the same price point, ($1.8K-$2K) other than the additional cost of having to buy a monitor for the AlienWare since it ain’t an all in one.
If I go brand new, I’ll most likely switch back to PC honestly. I love Apple and OSX, but right out of the box, the Aurora has bigger storage for the exact same price. iMac has a 512GB SSD, whereas the Aurora has a 512GB SSD + 1TB HD. I have to look more into the processing and RAM comparisons, but the storage alone is enticing. Plus, I know 7 years old is pretty old for a computer, but still, when you spent $2K, that feels like too short of a lifespan. And it makes me feel like I wouldn’t be in this boat if I had went PC since they’re completely customizable. Starts slowing down? Buy a brand new 2021 processor and RAM instead of a whole new computer.
PC is technically less expensive when it comes to music too. Before, I was able to torrent pretty much everything. Not as many torrents of these programs and VSTs are available for Mac, so I’ve now spent over $1K on programs since having a Mac, because I was forced to otherwise I wouldn’t have them. Going back to PC would open Pandora’s Box back up.
I also like the added bonus of the Aurora being a gaming PC. I’ll prolly never switch from being a console player, but having the option there would still be a dope icing on the cake.
My only thing is that’s what it’ll most likely come to only IF I go brand new.
To upgrade my RAM and processor to their max, it would be $400. Gotta look into what the hard drive would cost, but prolly an additional $200-$300. Either way, less than half of what brand new would be. Tack on like $700-$800 to brand new cost between tax and extended warranties. I’m realistically looking at almost $3K.
All I really need, is for my current Mac to run like it did brand new. It was lightning fast. And if upgrading parts would do the job, then that’s more than sufficient. Brand new would honestly jus be bells and whistles and I wasn’t even thinking about having to do that for a while from now. It would really only be last resort.
Only thing that sucks is that I don’t think parts like that are really refundable so if it didn’t work, it’d be money down the drain.
Any of yall have experience upgrading parts on an older computer? How did it go if so?
>doesn’t bring even a phone charger
Wtf, man.
All in a plastic bag sitting wide open in his trunk
then when he packed for Chicago he did the same thing.
Greyhounds are worse though. Fucking ptsd inducing
So I’m waiting to see how it is after I get it back, but either way that’s really only a band-aid and it’s sadly time to start looking at an upgrade.
The cheapest is simply upgrading my current iMac. They’re not as customizable as PCs, but mine is capable of upgrading it’s current 8GB RAM to 32GB, it’s 1TB hard drive to a 3TB fusion drive, and I can also upgrade my processor to a 3.5GHz quad-core Intel Core i7. The RAM alone would be quadrupled so I see no reason that wouldn’t improve things. If I go this route, I’d potentially upgrade all 3, but the RAM and processor for sure.
Other 2 options are either copping a 2021 iMac, or going back to PC and copping an AlienWare Aurora. Both are around the same price point, ($1.8K-$2K) other than the additional cost of having to buy a monitor for the AlienWare since it ain’t an all in one.
I also like the added bonus of the Aurora being a gaming PC. I’ll prolly never switch from being a console player, but having the option there would still be a dope icing on the cake.
Any opinions?
To upgrade my RAM and processor to their max, it would be $400. Gotta look into what the hard drive would cost, but prolly an additional $200-$300. Either way, less than half of what brand new would be. Tack on like $700-$800 to brand new cost between tax and extended warranties. I’m realistically looking at almost $3K.
Only thing that sucks is that I don’t think parts like that are really refundable so if it didn’t work, it’d be money down the drain.
Any of yall have experience upgrading parts on an older computer? How did it go if so?