We rented an apartment to stay at in Louiisville thinking its safer than a hotel currently. Were doing the drive through jack o lantern spectacular. Its this drive through thing with over 5k carved pumpkins.
Anyways. Were right downtown and holy shit there are a fuck ton of homeless people here.
Like i know all moderate to large citys have homeless issues, but man everywhere i turn here and its just homeless.
Were going to this tomorrow which is somewhat close.
My GF’s son had a birthday today. So we just wanted to try and make it seem like they were doing something cool after this shit year. They think its the coolest thing ever lol.
The town doesn’t seem bad, but there are just a lot of homeless.
I'm a simple man. I see Limp Bizkit and I'm in. Also my girl sent me this this morning and went "This seems right up your alley. Just so you know there's no way in hell I'm going."
Makes sense