I've met Ben from MS a couple times, and he is a huge fucking hypocrite on this. One of those times was at a fucking Behemoth album listening thing when ILYAYD came out he has close friends who are close with Nergal. But he wont call them out, like hes trying to call out Nergal for essentially the same thing. "Being friendly with a shitty dude".
I'd watch Tantric, maybe Puddle if Wes is no longer a train wreck dumpster fire mess. Also, anyone that goes to that should tease Trapts lead singer for lolz
While youre at it can you please fix my account so the threads I read most appear as new when someone posts in them?
Thanks and happy holidays
Now celebrating 10 years of indifference, butt hurt, and salty tears.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)