Why get fucked up at home when you can get fucked up at a fest?
Also,... I've never once missed any band due to being too fucked up. Ever.
That’s cool Alex missed several.
I always see people passing out fucked up on shit at music fests and I personally can’t understand it. You’re there for the music and bands why would you want to miss or forget things with the time and money invested?
This is is a general thing I’m not targeting you or Alex it just sparked the conversation for me.
Alex I’m glad you had a good weekend I’m not trying to take anything away from that.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Why get fucked up at home when you can get fucked up at a fest?
Also,... I've never once missed any band due to being too fucked up. Ever.
That’s cool Alex missed several.
I always see people passing out fucked up on shit at music fests and I personally can’t understand it. You’re there for the music and bands why would you want to miss or forget things with the time and money invested?
This is is a general thing I’m not targeting you or Alex it just sparked the conversation for me.
Alex I’m glad you had a good weekend I’m not trying to take anything away from that.
Because a phenomenal set can attain godlike status when in altered states of consciousness
godflesh batushka indian high on fire boris lucifer coven elder dengue fever s u r v i v e tinariwen all pigs must die today is the day dvne
half sets from:
danzig necrot sunn o))) integrity church of misery monolord
and partial sets from:
unearthly trance (got to see one song, stayed about 10 min) mutoid man (could only watch one and a half songs worth from the hallways because the side venue was at max capacity bell witch (drunk lol)
I saw Tool the day Lateralus came out on a bunch of acid. I was peaking when they opened the show with The Grudge. Was one of the few moments in life I came close to meeting God
I get where Ape is coming from though I guess I can't fully comment because I've never done drugs. I've been really high at a couple shows but it didn't really effect much. I'll catch an alright buzz before a show but I'll never be drunk at a show that's just a fucking waste.
For me, it's just more about being in a controlled environment. I wouldn't mind trying shrooms or something. I don't really wanna fuck with like acid or pills or shit to be honest with you. Definitely have no interest in rollin' unless it's by Limp Bizkit.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
almost did from being too full though. That was legit one of the worst pains iv ever been in for like 10 mins lol.
I always see people passing out fucked up on shit at music fests and I personally can’t understand it. You’re there for the music and bands why would you want to miss or forget things with the time and money invested?
This is is a general thing I’m not targeting you or Alex it just sparked the conversation for me.
Alex I’m glad you had a good weekend I’m not trying to take anything away from that.
high on fire
dengue fever
s u r v i v e
all pigs must die
today is the day
half sets from:
sunn o)))
church of misery
and partial sets from:
unearthly trance (got to see one song, stayed about 10 min)
mutoid man (could only watch one and a half songs worth from the hallways because the side venue was at max capacity
bell witch (drunk lol)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)