I'm pretty sure my direct manager has been embezzling money for the past 6 months to pay for his divorce/custody battle. Investigation starts today. Whew lad
fucked up and got a snow pickup saturday night that was apparently laced with mdma. had to skip dimmu and pallbearer because i had no idea what was going on lmao.
everything was fine for the first 10 min of necrot and then the edible started kicking my ass in the first 15 min of sunn o))). all as planned.
but then my right arm went numb. then my right leg. then i started getting super tingly sensations in my arm. then my leg. then my arm felt like it was made of paper and i had to move it around and flick my hand and it felt tingly when it make contact with stuff.
mind you i just chalked this up to me underestimating the edible at first but then i realized something was very off.
so i didn't wanna out and about when i had no expectation to roll or anything more than turn into a puddle from the edible so i headed back early. sensations continued for another 1.5 hours or so.
btw facefuck sorry i missed you bud. i almost didnt even see a bunch of other friends because of how many places i was torn between this year lol. come on oit next year too!
I just ask because it seems like a lot of money and time to invest to go to a fest just to miss things because of being too fucked up when you can do that at home.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
meh... saw everyone i truly bought the ticket for in the end. just sucks that i was working on such little sleep on thursday that even after a few beers i felt totally drunk and was out like a light.
btw facefuck sorry i missed you bud. i almost didnt even see a bunch of other friends because of how many places i was torn between this year lol. come on oit next year too!
split two buckets at the pool of 5 each and left almost through the second... so that would be about 4 beers... then one i had before any of this. actually two.
yeah so total more like 6 and all on 1.5 hours of sleep lol.
I heard Static X at Ozzfest, but couldn't see that far due to geometric visuals from the mushrooms. Anything more than 2 feet away was just a kaleidoscope of color.
everything was fine for the first 10 min of necrot and then the edible started kicking my ass in the first 15 min of sunn o))). all as planned.
but then my right arm went numb. then my right leg. then i started getting super tingly sensations in my arm. then my leg. then my arm felt like it was made of paper and i had to move it around and flick my hand and it felt tingly when it make contact with stuff.
mind you i just chalked this up to me underestimating the edible at first but then i realized something was very off.
so i didn't wanna out and about when i had no expectation to roll or anything more than turn into a puddle from the edible so i headed back early. sensations continued for another 1.5 hours or so.
fucked. lol
” i was apperantly yellin at the merch booth”
Does not compute
yeah so total more like 6 and all on 1.5 hours of sleep lol.
I regret nothing.