Dude i just think its funny. Like I said my virgin wizardness has become a part of my "identity". I literally have 0 desire to meet anyone right now. I did before. I dont anymore. Simple as that. Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
Dude your like a child can't get his way so you make this imaginary world in your head.. And when your not a child no more they call it delusions u need mental help dude
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Dude i just think its funny. Like I said my virgin wizardness has become a part of my "identity". I literally have 0 desire to meet anyone right now. I did before. I dont anymore. Simple as that. Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
Until the next time you get drunk at a con and start crying about it
Dude i just think its funny. Like I said my virgin wizardness has become a part of my "identity". I literally have 0 desire to meet anyone right now. I did before. I dont anymore. Simple as that. Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
Until the next time you get drunk at a con and start crying about it
It aint gonna happen anymore. A lot has changed with my view of it all the last few months. I realized it aint for me. Now I just make memes and jokes about it.
Dude i just think its funny. Like I said my virgin wizardness has become a part of my "identity". I literally have 0 desire to meet anyone right now. I did before. I dont anymore. Simple as that. Everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
That's fine bruh. But for a guy with 0 desire,... you sure do talk about it an awful lot.
Almost like he's just trying to convince himself this shit.
I think you all confuse me joking about my virgin loser status and me actually wanting girls. My awkward interactions regarding women and conversations with my friends about how we're all gonna die alone are entertaining to me. Its funny to me that Im a wizard virgin nerd who cant get girls. Its kind of become an identity for me. Like I legit dont know what I would do in a relationship. It kind of goes against who I am, fundamentally. I keep the comments to the McFuck thread. Except for this convo where I literally responded to Rex's story with "yea, this is exactly why I no longer want this shit".
Apparently Frank has officially left Suffocation, which is not being publicly addressed. The band are very likely to hang it up at the end of this year for a few different reasons.
Do most forums have to explain this, or is this just a MU thing?
Find some happiness in your life.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
And the McFuck thread is just full of stupid wizard virgin memes and convos I have. It aint that serious
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I havent even tried talked to girls in months. I dont need to do any convincing.
she said she doesnt know why she did that yesterday...and that she doesnt know what she wants.
so were gonna hang out and operation trump and dump is in full effect.