So that chick i have been seeing and everything was going great...or so i thought. Out of no where she gave me the "you are everything i want in a relationship, but i see you as just a friend" speech.
Im like uhh ok. I flat out told her i did not just want to be friends. So i deleted her off facebook and stopped talking to her.
What happens 1.5 days later? She finds an excuse to talk to me. I was quoting her insurance and its WAY cheaper than what she has. So she asked me if i still wanted to insure her or not. I told her that can do the insurance stuff this week. That i would e-mail her what she needed to send me to get it started and then ended the conversation.
So a few hours go by....She starts telling me that it feels like she's losing a friend. She said "i know my feelings aren't your responsibility, but it sucks". Im just like what ever lol. This is kind of how these things go. Im sorry you feel that way and shit.
Then this morning.. She hit me up first thing. 6: fucking 30 AM. Just to tell me good morning. 88888-------||||||||||. So whatever...Im a good dude and she had a nursing exam she had to pass this morning, so i asked her "how are you feeling at this very moment"
Her response? "Im Horny"....What in the actual fuck? I started teasing her about it just to test the waters. Told her she can come sign the insurance application, and get bent over the couch we have in the back room while were at it. She didn't shoot that down at all, and she never shot down physical advances either.I don't get it.
Her whole reason for giving me the friends speech was because " i reminded her too much of someone in her family" im like why would she come out and tell me shes horny, and that shes playing with herself...if thats what is holding her back. why would she dump that on me?
Long story short...women are fucking confusing. she failed her nursing exam and has to drop out of the program, so im going to use that to my advantage and get her wasted. Give her the old pump and dump for now.
Seriously...who would do that? lol. Maybe i just scared her because i am a good dude. i don't know. This is the dumbest shit i have ever been apart of.
Either way the old trump and dump should sort things out fairly quick.
itz pretty simple dude urah fhag, she could see the flames comin off of u, she dont want to be the chick that her boyfriend left her for another guy ... fhaggot
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
So that chick i have been seeing and everything was going great...or so i thought. Out of no where she gave me the "you are everything i want in a relationship, but i see you as just a friend" speech.
Im like uhh ok. I flat out told her i did not just want to be friends. So i deleted her off facebook and stopped talking to her.
What happens 1.5 days later? She finds an excuse to talk to me. I was quoting her insurance and its WAY cheaper than what she has. So she asked me if i still wanted to insure her or not. I told her that can do the insurance stuff this week. That i would e-mail her what she needed to send me to get it started and then ended the conversation.
So a few hours go by....She starts telling me that it feels like she's losing a friend. She said "i know my feelings aren't your responsibility, but it sucks". Im just like what ever lol. This is kind of how these things go. Im sorry you feel that way and shit.
Then this morning.. She hit me up first thing. 6: fucking 30 AM. Just to tell me good morning. 88888-------||||||||||. So whatever...Im a good dude and she had a nursing exam she had to pass this morning, so i asked her "how are you feeling at this very moment"
Her response? "Im Horny"....What in the actual fuck? I started teasing her about it just to test the waters. Told her she can come sign the insurance application, and get bent over the couch we have in the back room while were at it. She didn't shoot that down at all, and she never shot down physical advances either.I don't get it.
Her whole reason for giving me the friends speech was because " i reminded her too much of someone in her family" im like why would she come out and tell me shes horny, and that shes playing with herself...if thats what is holding her back. why would she dump that on me?
Long story short...women are fucking confusing. she failed her nursing exam and has to drop out of the program, so im going to use that to my advantage and get her wasted. Give her the old pump and dump for now.
So you remind her of a family member she wants to fuck but is afraid to make the move on the family member. So she's testing this incest waters on little Johnny and if she loves that pump pump she's going to dump you and fuck her fantasy on the family member. Interesting...
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
They're Maori
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
So that chick i have been seeing and everything was going great...or so i thought. Out of no where she gave me the "you are everything i want in a relationship, but i see you as just a friend" speech.
Im like uhh ok. I flat out told her i did not just want to be friends. So i deleted her off facebook and stopped talking to her.
What happens 1.5 days later? She finds an excuse to talk to me. I was quoting her insurance and its WAY cheaper than what she has. So she asked me if i still wanted to insure her or not. I told her that can do the insurance stuff this week. That i would e-mail her what she needed to send me to get it started and then ended the conversation.
So a few hours go by....She starts telling me that it feels like she's losing a friend. She said "i know my feelings aren't your responsibility, but it sucks". Im just like what ever lol. This is kind of how these things go. Im sorry you feel that way and shit.
Then this morning.. She hit me up first thing. 6: fucking 30 AM. Just to tell me good morning. 88888-------||||||||||. So whatever...Im a good dude and she had a nursing exam she had to pass this morning, so i asked her "how are you feeling at this very moment"
Her response? "Im Horny"....What in the actual fuck? I started teasing her about it just to test the waters. Told her she can come sign the insurance application, and get bent over the couch we have in the back room while were at it. She didn't shoot that down at all, and she never shot down physical advances either.I don't get it.
Her whole reason for giving me the friends speech was because " i reminded her too much of someone in her family" im like why would she come out and tell me shes horny, and that shes playing with herself...if thats what is holding her back. why would she dump that on me?
Long story short...women are fucking confusing. she failed her nursing exam and has to drop out of the program, so im going to use that to my advantage and get her wasted. Give her the old pump and dump for now.
"Trump and Dump"
Either way the old trump and dump should sort things out fairly quick.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)