Seriously who cares? You have to pay the same amount either way regardless of how far out it is. If anything you have more time to move your tickets if something comes up.
It's closest to me. I'm mostly doing it for my little brother. They're his favorite band and he was pretty crushed when I couldn't get them when they were in IL last year. I think everyone should get to see their favorite band and considering how long it takes for them to come around again, I don't know how many opportunities he will get. So fingers crossed. I'm not gonna tell him I'm trying as he's already counted it as a loss because no IL date lol it will make a good present for his Golden Birthday in May. Fingers crossed
) he asked me if I wanted to go to Milwaukee on October. I'm like "why the fuck would we go there?" And he's like "Well, it's the closest Metallica date..." Fuck this is gonna cost me like half my tax return but I'm gonna scoop these Tix up for the kid no matter what. He's been a trooper lately. He hates the new house/neighborhood/school and he fell in love for the first time. Dude needs a good time )
) he asked me if I wanted to go to Milwaukee on October. I'm like "why the fuck would we go there?" And he's like "Well, it's the closest Metallica date..." Fuck this is gonna cost me like half my tax return but I'm gonna scoop these Tix up for the kid no matter what. He's been a trooper lately. He hates the new house/neighborhood/school and he fell in love for the first time. Dude needs a good time )
Copped 4. I didn't need that $640 anyway lol hope this kid realizes he ain't getting a gift for his 17th, 18th or 19th birthday ) doubled and got my best friend one as a b-day gift as well and one for my other brother but I got that nigga a guitar for his birthday in January so he's gonna pay up lol
feels like i spent most of the last 8 years here.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)