I never understand the Grammys. They’re always so far behind on the music people actually care about that it’s always surprising that anyone gives a fuck about them anymore
Nothing More are like a more radio friendly version of Periphery or Volumes.
She ended up messaging me again asking why I didn't respond. Sent her a single message before work this morning essentially saying how I felt on the matter. She hasn't responded and I don't expect or want her too. Making me legit irate thinking about it.
Yeah he saw them at ROTR this year. Just turned down multiple chances to see them headline Rex-style this fall.
Multiple chances? Ho they played one headline set two hours from me on a fucking Tuesday the same week I was already going to Columbus. I have kids and shit I’m not just lazy like Rex.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So my dad got a letternin the mail. I thought it was a scam at first but apperantly it is not. Says hes owed 11k from a life insurance company in delaware. Same thing happened to someone at work and they received the money.
They people who found him take 25% though. Im gonna see if he can contact the lofe insurance company and skip the middle man lol.
only person i know from his side of the family are his mom and dad. His dad died when i was a kid and his mom passed in 2006 so no idea who it could be from.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
They came to detroit and chicago once each and while they are good they arent good enough to get on a greyhound and book a hotel for.
They people who found him take 25% though. Im gonna see if he can contact the lofe insurance company and skip the middle man lol.
only person i know from his side of the family are his mom and dad. His dad died when i was a kid and his mom passed in 2006 so no idea who it could be from.