How are you going to say metal is dead based are warped shutting down? Lol that’s pretty dumb as warped covers a ton of genres and it was only this past year that added more than usual metal bands. But then they faced the problem of older metal heads not being willing to come to terms with going to warped tour despite bands being there they liked.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
How are you going to say metal is dead based are warped shutting down? Lol that’s pretty dumb as warped covers a ton of genres and it was only this past year that added more than usual metal bands. But then they faced the problem of older metal heads not being willing to come to terms with going to warped tour despite bands being there they liked.
Metal/heavier music in general. Ozzfest died, Uproar died, Taste of Chaos died, Mayhem died, and now the biggest of all of them, with the biggest draw, died. Metal awards continue to be a joke, and the genre isnt accepted as a legitimate genre. Metal no longer has any appeal with younger audiences. Synthwave is topping the metal charts. Rap for the first time is more popular than rock. Metal is doomed to spend the rest of its days in the obscurity of small venues here in the states. Its the horror movie genre of music.
Obviously Europe is different. But the US doesnt respect it as a genre.
tbh tho if Kevin wanted to keep Warped alive he'd just start adding mumble/soundclout rappers to the line-up. and djs. it's just what sells to the youth now
These things didnt die. Its just not very cost effective to take that many bands on an entire tour. America is going more towards weekend festivals now rather than traveling ones.
What exactly is wrong with metal not being for the typical person?
Eventually the money well will dry up and people will stop making that kind of music. Look at classic rock, or outlaw country, or disco. See if you could name 5 new bands playing those kinds of music now.
there's a lot in the underground lol. metal wasn't made to be popular. it's always been a niche thing. it's not going anywhere.
The underground isnt growing though. The artists in the underground are stuck in the underground. Like I said its the horror movie of music. Niche die hards will follow it to the end. But it will never hit big appeal again. Its a fringe. Ergo its dead.
false equivalence. people study it so they can understand modern language rooted in it but nobody's going around speaking it like it's common parlance. People are still innovating in metal though, even if not all those innovations are good. and people are most certainly still "speaking" it.
false equivalence. people study it so they can understand modern language rooted in it but nobody's going around speaking it like it's common parlance. People are still innovating in metal though, even if not all those innovations are good. and people are most certainly still "speaking" it.
For now. But how much longer? Sure some small obscure clubs may have disco nights, but does that mean disco is alive?
Obviously Europe is different. But the US doesnt respect it as a genre.
There arent disco labels making hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars in record sales.
there arent disco tours or disco festivals selling out across the world