So they're in the spotlight a little now and they're being fetishized? Also calling them trannies like that is kind of fucked dude. That's like saying "look I'm happy faggots are accepted now but they can keep to themselves". I can agree that it's lame that it took Caitlyn Jenner to further acceptance of transgender people because she's shit, but let's not use that as an excuse to you not liking seeing them glamorized in public. I cant fuck with that
I watched a tranny with tits and a dick jerk it on my friend's face when you were still watching Pokémon cartoons, dude. I've earned my stripes of acceptance. Y'all Millennials wanna have these ridiculous standards of verbiage that really mean jack shit. I could call people pretty names all day, but it's how I feel inside that matters. Being PC is just another mask people use to act like they're above the fray and faux intelligent. To me, it symbolizes fear of the opinion of others more than some sort of ethical issue. I call my Latino friends beaners, gay friends fags, black friends jest. They know that. People call me Dough Boy and shit making fun of me being fat all the time. It's all about a laugh. You'll never see me on somebody bandwagon forcing others to accept fat people. Truth be told, I've never really had many straight white friends. My best friends are Puerto Rican/Black, Puerto Greekan, Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Native American. That's why so go to metal shows by myself lol. I'm just over saturated on trans shit the same way I'm sick of hearing about athletes kneeling. I care about this Playboy slut as much as I cared about last month's slut. If Playboy wanted to be revolutionary, they would've posted a tranny 10 years ago when it was still taboo. Not now when the SJWs force everyone to like her and think she's a hero
Yeah like I'm not PC all the time, that should be evident by my language on this board. I've got a grind project I"m working on with a friend that is very not PC. But I think you're confusing your experience with transvestites with fully transitioned transgendered women. they're not the same. I get you think you're cool and "past it", but this kind of trans representation is new and liberating to these people, and personally using that kind of derogatory language in a sincere manner just rubs me the wrong way.
Just had a guy come into my work drunk and reeking of booze and clearly should not be driving. Dont get me wrong, I've dealt with my fair share of drunk people buying fireworks and to be honest seen them drive away and thought maybe I should of said or done something but never did.
Well today I did and I feel like it was for all the right reasons. I was legit worried he was going to kill or hurt others or himself. So I called the PD with his license plate number and gave a description of him.... however I feel like dog shit now and keep second guessing if I should have done it.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Just had a guy come into my work drunk and reeking of booze and clearly should not be driving. Dont get me wrong, I've dealt with my fair share of drunk people buying fireworks and to be honest seen them drive away and thought maybe I should of said or done something but never did.
Well today I did and I feel like it was for all the right reasons. I was legit worried he was going to kill or hurt others or himself. So I called the PD with his license plate number and gave a description of him.... however I feel like dog shit now and keep second guessing if I should have done it.
Nah, good call. I'm sure you'd have felt worse of you hard about a crash that killed a family of five after the owner of the vehicle drunkly left a fireworks shop.
Just had a guy come into my work drunk and reeking of booze and clearly should not be driving. Dont get me wrong, I've dealt with my fair share of drunk people buying fireworks and to be honest seen them drive away and thought maybe I should of said or done something but never did.
Well today I did and I feel like it was for all the right reasons. I was legit worried he was going to kill or hurt others or himself. So I called the PD with his license plate number and gave a description of him.... however I feel like dog shit now and keep second guessing if I should have done it.
Nah, good call. I'm sure you'd have felt worse of you hard about a crash that killed a family of five after the owner of the vehicle drunkly left a fireworks shop.
100%. Thats what I was telling my girlfriend before I even called the PD to get her opinion in it.
When he was in store he was telling me that he just wanted loud stuff he could piss people off with and throw out the window while he's driving. I pointed him in the direction of just some firecrackers and other small shit and talked him out of big mortar shells.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Well today I did and I feel like it was for all the right reasons. I was legit worried he was going to kill or hurt others or himself. So I called the PD with his license plate number and gave a description of him.... however I feel like dog shit now and keep second guessing if I should have done it.
When he was in store he was telling me that he just wanted loud stuff he could piss people off with and throw out the window while he's driving. I pointed him in the direction of just some firecrackers and other small shit and talked him out of big mortar shells.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)