You know, I'm sure it's all new and cute to normies but I've known trannies for more than 20 years now. I'm glad they're being accepted an drew everything, but the level of fetishization and and oversaturation is vomit inducing. It really bugs me that all this shit got set off because of the lame ass Kardashians, too.
So they're in the spotlight a little now and they're being fetishized? Also calling them trannies like that is kind of fucked dude. That's like saying "look I'm happy faggots are accepted now but they can keep to themselves". I can agree that it's lame that it took Caitlyn Jenner to further acceptance of transgender people because she's shit, but let's not use that as an excuse to you not liking seeing them glamorized in public. I cant fuck with that
I cannot believe you are willing to sit there and be part of the misogynistic patriarchy. Genitals do not equal gender, and a trans man can be a womyn too. They demand you bust equal nuts to them.
That would actually be cooler anyways so I'm good with it.
You'd be the guy that everyone knows is gay before he does. And during the finale when you decide to come out, you end up disappointed because no one acts surprised. And then you kys. End credits.
Guy goes to a morgue, finds a nurse banging his wife's corpse.
We make sheep jokes and all, but NZ could really use some proper hookers.
Don't dodge my question Slap. Do jerk it to tyranny porn? They are women too. You wouldn't want to marginalize them would you?
I'm OK being a terrible person but you are better than that.
I cannot believe you are willing to sit there and be part of the misogynistic patriarchy. Genitals do not equal gender, and a trans man can be a womyn too. They demand you bust equal nuts to them.
Get with the times you trans phobic pig.
You'd be the guy that everyone knows is gay before he does. And during the finale when you decide to come out, you end up disappointed because no one acts surprised. And then you kys. End credits.