Maybe a Dee Snyder style boa or some Steven Tyler scarves... with just a touch of some 70's Halford leather. Some KISS style boots would really set that look off. You gotta keep stepping it up a notch or two Gnomie.
My moms pissed im not going to my cousins wedding tomorrow.
Keep in mind i didnt get an invitation until a month ago. But anyways...she asked me why and i told her its because the wedding starts at the same time as the michigan game ))))))))
You've got no assets to lose anyway. It's not like she gets one bug of off every tool poster you own and she gets to keep your dog on the weekends. You can keep your couch. It's important for tax, insurance, and inheritance purposes, especially if your the type to keep shit in your spouse's name.
Somebody I know had their long time bf get seriously fucked up in a crash, other party, a trucking company, was a fault. He got a big settlement, bought a new house, new car, snow blower etc. Everything a person needs. She was set for life, per his wishes. College fund for her daughter, gave the old house to his kids. She took care of him for a year before he passed. They weren't married so his junkie kids got everything. They swooped in like vultures and picked the bones clean.
Johnny one day you'll fall in love and you'll want to get married and spend the rest of your life with that person It's just a matter of you finding the right man
I'm going to see a kiwi band called Devilskin play in October. A canadian band called Sumo Cyco is opening for them. I'm trying to familiarise myself with some of their music....taking me a while to warm to it....but shit the lead singer looks and sounds like Gwen Stefani
Keep in mind i didnt get an invitation until a month ago. But anyways...she asked me why and i told her its because the wedding starts at the same time as the michigan game
approve of. Fuck weddings. Ill probably show up for the party.
im all down for celebrating love...but i dont need to sign a contract to do it.
Somebody I know had their long time bf get seriously fucked up in a crash, other party, a trucking company, was a fault. He got a big settlement, bought a new house, new car, snow blower etc. Everything a person needs. She was set for life, per his wishes. College fund for her daughter, gave the old house to his kids. She took care of him for a year before he passed. They weren't married so his junkie kids got everything. They swooped in like vultures and picked the bones clean.
It's just a matter of you finding the right man